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Photo of Jamie Pigman, Ph.D.

Jamie Pigman, Ph.D.

  • Assistant Professor

Department: Health and Physical Education

Office: Robert E. McAllan Hall 228

Phone: 732-263-5790


Dr. Jamie Pigman received a Ph.D. in Biomechanics and Movement Science from the University of Delaware. His research focused on exercise interventions aimed to improve balance and reduce falls in individuals with chronic stroke, as well as children with Cerebral Palsy. Dr. Pigman completed a B.S. and M.A. in Exercise Science from Montclair State University. He researched how backpack design affects energy expenditure and joint loading during walking.

Photo of Jamie Pigman Ph.d.

Prior to pursuing higher education, Jamie was a Fleet Marine Force Corpsman (medic). One of his obligations was to teach life-saving first-aid. Having this responsibility helped him develop skills in teaching individuals that come from diverse backgrounds and cultures, as well as with varying levels of education.

Dr. Pigman strives to effectively transfer knowledge to those he teaches, as well as to provide mentoring that ensures students finish their education with the skills, experience, and confidence that they will need to be successful.


Ph.D., Biomechanics and Movement Science, University of Delaware

M.A., Exercise Science, Montclair State University

B.S., Exercise Science, Montclair State University

Fleet Marine Force Corpsman, Field Medical Service School

Hospital Corpsman, Hospital Corps School

Scholarly Articles

Pigman, J., Sullivan, W., Leigh, S., & Hosick, P. A. (2017). The Effect of a Backpack Hip Strap on Energy Expenditure While WalkingHuman Factors59(8), 1214–1221.

Rapp van Roden, E. A., Petersen, D. A., Pigman, J., Conner, B. C., Tyler Richardson, R., & Crenshaw, J. R. (2018). The Contribution of Counter-Rotation Movements during Fall Recovery: A Validation Study. Journal of Biomechanics.

Pigman, J.,Reisman, D. S., Pohlig, R. T., Wright, T. R., & Crenshaw, J. R. (2019). The development and feasibility of treadmill-induced fall recovery training applied to individuals with chronic strokeBMC neurology19(1), 102.

Conner, B. C., Petersen, D. A., Pigman, J., Tracy, J. B., Johnson, C. L., Manal, K., Crenshaw, J. R. (2019). The cross-sectional relationships between age, standing static balance, and standing dynamic balance reactions in typically developing children. Gait & Posture, 73, 20–25.

Tracy, J. B., Petersen, D. A., Pigman, J., Conner, B. C., Wright, H. G., Modlesky, C. M., Crenshaw, J. R. (2019). Dynamic stability during walking in children with and without cerebral palsy. Gait & Posture, 72, 182–187.


Slips, Trips Mimicked in Lab to Prevent Injury
Fall Prevention Training for Individuals with Strokes
Read the article online  (opens in a new tab)
Read the article online

Presentations/Invited Talks

J. Pigman, B. C. Conner, D. S. Reisman, J. R. Crenshaw (2016, April). Fall-recovery training of an individual with chronic stroke: a case study on kinematic variables. Poster at the Center for Biomedical Engineering Research, Newark, DE.

J. Pigman, B. C. Conner, D. S. Reisman, J. R. Crenshaw (2016, August). Fall-recovery training of individuals with chronic stroke: kinematic variables. Podium at the 40th American Society of Biomechanics Annual Meeting, Raleigh, NC.

B. C. Conner, J. Pigman, D. S. Reisman, J. R. Crenshaw (2016, August). Fall-recovery training of individuals with
chronic stroke: a pilot study on the neuromuscular response.
Poster at the 40th American Society of Biomechanics Annual Meeting, Raleigh, NC.

J. Pigman, P. A. Hosick, S. Leigh, (2016, August). The effects of wearing a backpack hip strap on trunk and knee biomechanics during overground walking and step descending. Poster at the 40th American Society of Biomechanics Annual Meeting, Raleigh, NC.

R. Delgado, J. Pigman, W. Sullivan, S. Leigh, P. A. Hosick, (2016, November). The effects of a backpack hip strap on energy expenditure while walking. Podium at the 39th
MARC-American College of Sports Medicine Annual Scientific Meeting, Harrisburg, PA.

J. Pigman, D. A. Petersen, D. S. Reisman, J. R. Crenshaw (2017, August). Posterior fall-recovery training of individuals with chronic stroke: preliminary results. Poster at the 41st American Society of Biomechanics Annual Meeting, Boulder, CO.

D. A. Petersen, J. Pigman, B. C. Conner, J. R. Crenshaw (2017, August). Constraining the arms reduces posterior, but
not anterior, single-stepping thresholds of fall recovery.
Poster at the 41st American Society of Biomechanics Annual Meeting, Boulder, CO.

E. A. Rapp, T. Richardson, B. C. Conner, D. A. Petersen,  J. Pigman, J. R. Crenshaw (2017, August). Quantifying the contribution of the counter-rotation movements during fall recovery: a validation study. Poster at the 41st American Society of Biomechanics Annual Meeting, Boulder, CO.

J. Pigman, D. S. Reisman, R. T Pohlig, J. R. Crenshaw (2018, April). The effects of fall-recovery training of single- and multiple-stepping thresholds in individuals with chronic stroke. Poster at the American Society of Biomechanics Regional Meeting, Reading, PA.

J. Matteson, D. A. Petersen, J. B. Tracy, J. Pigman, B. C. Conner, C. M. Modlesky, F. Miller, C. L. Johnson, J. R. Crenshaw (2018, April). Anteroposterior fall-recovery kinematics in
children with and without cerebral palsy: A pilot study.
Poster at the American Society of Biomechanics Regional Meeting, Reading, PA.

D. A. Petersen, B. C. Conner J. Pigman, J. B. Tracy, C. M. Modlesky, F. Miller, C. L. Johnson, J. R. Crenshaw (2018, July). Anteroposterior stepping thresholds in children with and without cerebral palsy. Poster at the World Congress of Biomechanics Meeting, Dublin, Ireland.

J. Pigman, D. S. Reisman, R. T. Pohlig, J. R. Crenshaw (2018, August). The effects of fall-recovery training of single- and multiple-stepping thresholds in individuals with chronic stroke. Thematic Poster at the 42nd American Society of Biomechanics Annual Meeting, Rochester, MN.

J. B. Tracy, D. A. Petersen, J. Pigman, B. C. Conner, C. Modlesky, F. Miller, C. Johnson, J.R. Crenshaw (2018, August). Dynamic stability during walking in children with and without cerebral palsy: A pilot study. Poster at the 42nd American Society of Biomechanics Annual Meeting, Rochester, MN.

J. Pigman, D. S. Reisman, R. T. Pohlig, T. R. Wright, and J. R. Crenshaw (2019, February). The Feasibility of Fall-Recovery Training Applied to Individuals with Chronic Stroke. Poster at the College of Health Sciences Research Day, Newark, DE.

J. B. Tracy, D. A. Petersen, J. Pigman, B. C. Conner, C. M. Modlesky, F. Miller, C. L. Johnson, J. R. Crenshaw (2019, February). Dynamic stability during walking in children with and without cerebral palsy. Poster at the College of Health Sciences Research Day, Newark, DE.

M. S. Christensen, J. B. Tracy, J. Pigman, J. R. Crenshaw (2019, April). A validation of margin of stability calculations relative to the pelvic coordinate system during gait. Poster at the American Society of Biomechanics Regional Meeting, Reading, PA.


Recently Taught Classes

2024 Fall

  • Biomechanics and Kinesiology – PE 330
  • Exercise Physiology – PE 320
  • Health Research Methods – HE 290

2024 Spring

  • Exercise Physiology – PE 320
  • Fitness Concepts and Measurements – PE 215
  • Health Research Methods – HE 290

2023 Spring

  • Biomechanics and Kinesiology – PE 330
  • Exercise Physiology – PE 320
  • Health Research Methods – HE 290
  • High Intensity Interval Training – PE 156
  • Weight Training – PE 163

2022 Fall

  • Biomechanics and Kinesiology – PE 330
  • Exercise Physiology – PE 320
  • Fitness Concepts and Measurements – PE 215
  • Motor Development and Learning – PE 340

2022 Spring

  • Exercise Physiology – PE 320
  • Health Research Methods – HE 290
  • Motor Development and Learning – PE 340

2021 Fall

  • Exercise Physiology – PE 320
  • Fitness Concepts and Measurements – PE 215
  • Health Research Methods – HE 290
  • Motor Development and Learning – PE 340

2021 Summer B

  • Fitness Concepts and Measurements – PE 215

2021 Spring

  • Exercise Physiology – PE 320
  • Health Research Methods – HE 290
  • Motor Development and Learning – PE 340

Frequently Taught Classes

  • Biomechanics and Kinesiology (PE 330)
  • Exercise Physiology (PE 320)
  • Fitness Concepts and Measurements (PE 215)
  • Health Research Methods (HE 290)
  • Motor Development and Learning (PE 340)
  • Weight Training (PE 163)