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Rules and Guidelines for Gardeners

The Garden will Provide

  • Individual garden beds (4’X20′ and some smaller garden beds) intended to grow produce and/or flowers.
  • Annual garden bed assignments are on a first-come first-served basis with a pre-registration period for previous season’s gardeners-in-good-standing to request their former area.
  • If necessary, will maintain a waiting list of gardeners.
  • Donation garden beds are intended to grow produce to be harvested for donation to local organizations.
  • Make a watering system and station available for all gardeners.
  • Protective fencing around the Community Garden.
  • Compost bins and/or area for disposal of garden waste
  • General soil preparation, garden layout, and coordination prior to and throughout the garden season.
  • Communication updates as needed via e-mail and posting on the garden website.
  • Contact: MUCG Steering committee (MUCG SC) Social Work Office Tel:732-571-3543 email:

Gardeners Rules and Responsibilities

I understand that non-compliance to these rules may result in forfeiture of my garden bed.


I will attend the organizational meeting to be held prior to the planting season. I will use this opportunity to become familiar with the garden property, review garden guidelines and rules, discuss garden plans, exchange ideas, meet other gardeners, and sign up for work groups.

Plot maintenance

I will be a good neighbor. I will have something planted in my plot by June 1, and keep it planted all season. Tall crops will be located so they do not shade other garden beds. I will keep all plants within plot limits and keep the garden bed and surrounding area well-tended. Crops will be harvested upon maturity. Weeds must be pulled regularly and before going to seed and I will maintain the paths and areas immediately surrounding my garden bed. I will notify a garden member if I am unable to maintain my area. Temporary structures such as stakes, tomato cages are allowed, a maximum height of 6′, and must be removed at the end of the growing season. I will clean my garden bed at the end of the growing season.


I will regularly water my area, as needed. I will turn off all water spigots after use, and coil all hoses neatly on the post provided. When using the expandable hose I will drain the Revised 01/2022water first then coil the hose neatly. I will conserve water and use the water in the rain barrels when possible. Unattended watering is not permitted; sprinklers may only be used if a gardener is present. If a leak is noticed, I will notify the garden manager immediately.


I will pick-up trash and recyclables and place them in the designated cans by the roadside.


I will abide by the signs near the compost area that explain whether to add compost, rest compost, and take compost. A list of appropriate and inappropriate additions will be distributed at the mandatory meetings. The list of appropriate materials will consist of green and brown materials. When adding green materials to compost I will also add equal amounts of brown materials. All materials added to the bins must be cut up and be free of diseases or insect infestations. Weeds with seed heads should not be added to the compost bins. Trash should never be placed in the bins. Biodegradable/composable bags are not permitted in compost bins.

Organics only

Only organic methods and products are to be used in the garden. Use only products approved by ORMI (Organic Materials Review Institute). For reference please review the Community Garden Program Organic Guidelines.

Work Group duties

I will attend garden meetings and participate in scheduled volunteer work days. I will sign up and actively participate in a monthly work group that will focus on the maintenance of the donation garden beds as well as the beautification of the entire garden space. If I am to miss a work group day it is my responsibility to notify the garden manager and either find a replacement or make up the work day at a later date. If I am to miss three or more work days without notifying the garden manager, not finding a replacement, or not making it up afterwards, I am to forfeit my garden bed.


Pets are not allowed in the garden area.

Guest & Children

I am responsible for the behavior of my guests while in the garden. Children must be supervised by an adult while in the garden.

Prohibited Behavior

While on garden grounds, I will not engage in any prohibited or illegal behavior including but not limited to the cultivation of illegal plants, smoking, alcohol consumption, gambling, or using illegal drugs.


I will clean and properly return the tools after use and I will make sure that the door of the shed is locked before I leave the garden.