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Report of Hazing Allegations Violations 2017-2024


Semester: Spring 2017

Organization/Individual: Phi Sigma Sigma

Date of Report: 3/7/17

Interim Action Taken: Chapter placed on interim suspension and cease and desist of all activities.

Date of Alleged Incident: Various dates Spring 2017

Allegation: Violation of University’s Hazing Policy

Allegation Explained: Allegations that new members were sleep deprived, cleaning sisters’ houses, sleeping on floors, participating in a scavenger hunt, being degraded, verbal abuse, and being chained together in basement while members yelled at them.

Charged?: YES

Date Charged: 4/19/17

Findings/Outcome: Chapter President accepted responsibility for the chapter for charges brought forth by the Greek Senate Judicial Board.

Date Sanctioned: Sanctioned by Chief Justice of Greek Senate 5/1/2017. National HQ also sanctioned the chapter on April 13, 2017.

Sanctions Imposed: Greek Senate imposed social probation through 2017-2018 academic year, chapter planning one event for Hazing Prevention week in Fall 2017, 100% attendance at the Hazing Prevention Week speaker on Sept. 20, 2017.  See Notes section.

Date Resolved: 5/1/17

Notes: The University worked in tandem with the National HQ on this situation, and HQ completed a membership review. They removed executive board, placed an interim president, gave new members the option of release from the Membership Recruitment Acceptance Binding Agreement, gave charter probation status with International Standard Board (ISB) until May, 2018, and implemented a Chapter Value Adherence Plan with an appointed ISB Representative for the 2017-2018 academic year. No recruiting in Fall 2017, and the HQ assigned staff to cover recruitment process and the entire 5-week new member process for Spring 2018.

Semester: Fall 2017

Organization/Individual: Lambda Theta Phi Latin Fraternity, Inc.

Date of Report: 11/1/17

Interim Action Taken: Interim suspension, cease and desist activities

Date of Alleged Incident: Unspecified

Allegation: Violation of University’s Hazing Policy

Allegation Explained: Report of sleep deprivation, not allowing members to stay in their rooms

Charged?: NO

Date Charged: N/A

Findings/Outcome: Investigation conducted by Student Activities staff, chapter found not responsible. Cease and desist lifted 11/16/2017

Date Sanctioned: N/A

Sanctions Imposed: N/A

Date Resolved: 11/16/17

Notes: Although insuffient information was found to bring formal charges, the group was required to work with the Office of Student Activities to present an educational session on the new member process to the University’s Fraternity and Sorority community.

Semester: Fall 2017

Organization/Individual: Alpha Kappa Psi Professional Business Fraternity

Date of Report: 11/28/17

Interim Action Taken: Chapter was placed on cease and desist of all activities.

Date of Alleged Incident: 3/23/17

Allegation: Violation of University’s Hazing Policy

Allegation Explained: Organization required new members to participate in a scavenger hunt.

Charged?: YES

Date Charged: 1/18/18

Findings/Outcome: Organization accepted responsbility for the violation and was sanctioned by the Greek Senate.

Date Sanctioned: 1/29/18

Sanctions Imposed: Organization was suspended for the Spring 2018 semester. Required to meet with National Headquarters to design a new program for new member education.  Organization must have 100% of members attend the Fall 2018 Hazing Prevention Speaker.  Organization is placed on social probation for the Fall 2018 semester.

Date Resolved: 1/29/18

Notes: On June 15, 2018 the National Board of Directors of Alpha Kappa Psi suspended the Monmouth University chapter of Alpha Kappa Psi. 

Semester:Fall 2017

Organization/Individual:15 Student members of Alpha Kappa Psi Professional Business Fraternity

Date of Report:11/28/17

Interim Action Taken:N/A

Date of Alleged Incident:3/23/17

Allegation:Violation of University’s Hazing Policy

Allegation Explained:Allegations that members of Alpha Kappa Psi were responsible for requring new members of Alpha Kappa Psi partcipate in a scavenger hunt.


Date Charged:12/11/17

Findings/Outcome:Case was investigated and adjudicated by the Office of Judicial Affairs.  As a result 3 students were found responsible and 12 were found not responsible.

Date Sanctioned:12/20/17

Sanctions Imposed:3 Students were sanctioned. Sanctions imposed:  Placed on Disciplinary Probation for the Spring 2018 semester.  During probation the student may not hold a leadership position in any student club or organization.  Required to write a reflection paper.  Required to work with the Assistant Director for Greek Life to develop a presentation on Monmouth’s hazing policy for all Fraternity and Sorority Presidents and New Member Educators.

Date Resolved:12/20/17



Semester: Spring 2018

Organization/Individual: Delta Phi Epsilon

Date of Report: 3/8/18

Interim Action Taken: Chapter placed on interim suspension and cease and desist of all activities.

Date of Alleged Incident: various dates Spring 2018

Allegation: Violation of University’s Hazing Policy

Allegation Explained: Report of new member having to give rides to older members and do favors for them, leaving student with insufficient time to do school work. Threatening student “hell week” was coming up.

Charged?: NO

Date Charged: N/A

Findings/Outcome: The Office of Student Activities conducted an investigation. Insuffient informarion was found to file charges.

Date Sanctioned: N/A

Sanctions Imposed: N/A

Date Resolved: 3/20/18

Notes: Although insuffient information was found to bring formal charges, the group was instructed to end their new member education period immediately and initiate new members immediately.

Semester: Spring 2018

Organization/Individual: Alpha Sigma Tau

Date of Report: 4/24/18

Interim Action Taken: Chapter was placed on an interim suspension and cease and desist of all activities. National HQ was also notified. Investjgation started week of 4/30/2018.

Date of Alleged Incident: Various dates Spring 2018

Allegation: Violation of University’s Hazing Policy

Allegation Explained: New members were required to do favors for older members including cleaning house, sleep deprivation and lack of time to study, roadtrip possibly while being blindfolded, possible scavenger hunt, line ups, forced eating of crackers

Charged?: YES – Charges brought by National HQ with University support

Date Charged: 5/22/18

Findings/Outcome: After initial University investigation and in consultation with National HQ,  National HQ decided to conduct a formal investigation as of 5/22/2018. The chapter was found in violation of the Hazing Prevention Policy and formally notified 08/29/2018. 

Date Sanctioned: 8/29/18

Sanctions Imposed: With University agreement, Chapter was place on probation via National HQ through 5/15/2019 with provision of completion of the following: removal of local off campus chapter (not on campus faculty) advisors, removal of some chapter officers with new officers appointed by HQ staff working with a newly appointed Chapter Advisory Board, all members being re-educatied on AST National New Member Education Program and completing GreekLifeEdu program, chapter implementing AST’s member development program Illuminate, additional chapter officer responsibilities including regular meetings with Chapter Advsiory Board and HQ staff, limitations on social events, creation of a comprehensive operational plan due for chapter review 12/15/2018.  Chapter must also comply with restrictions and expectations as required by Monmouth University Fraternity/Sorority community suspension terms.

Date Resolved: 8/29/18



Semester: Spring 2020

Organization/Individual: Sigma Pi

Date of Report: 2/28/20

Interim Action Taken: None

Date of Alleged Incident: Unspecified

Allegation: Violation of University’s Hazing Policy

Allegation Explained: A report of concern for the physical safety of a new member.

Charged?: NO

Date Charged: N/A

Findings/Outcome: The Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life staff conducted an investigation with chapter leadership and new members. Insufficient information was found to file charges.

Date Sanctioned: N/A

Sanctions Imposed: N/A

Date Resolved: 3/10/20

Notes: The Office Fraternity and Sorority Life sent a letter to the chapter following the investigation to outline the findings regarding what was learned about the new member program, that there was no outcome consistent with hazing, and reiterated University expectations.


Semester: Spring 2024

Organization/Individual: Sigma Pi

Date of Report: Various dates Spring 2024

Interim Action Taken: None

Date of Alleged Incident: Unspecified

Allegation: Violation of University’s Hazing Policy

Allegation Explained: A report of concern for the physical safety of a new member.

Charged?: NO

Date Charged: N/A

Findings/Outcome: The Division of Student Life staff conducted an investigation with chapter leadership and new members. Insufficient information was found to file charges.

Date Sanctioned: N/A

Sanctions Imposed: N/A

Date Resolved: 3/18/224

Notes: Following the investigation, The Office of Student Engagement met with chapter leadership to reiterate University expectations. In partnership with the national headquarters of Sigma Pi, Sigma Pi ended their new member education process early.