The animation “Boom -> Bust (Vicious Cycles #1),” created by Wobbe F. Koning, assistant professor of animation in the Department of Art and Design, received the 2019 Best Short Short award at the Jersey Shore Film Festival, which took place June 23-30 in Asbury Park, New Jersey.
Last year, the same animation was awarded Experimental – First Place at the ASIFA EAST Animation Festival in New York, and it has so far been selected for 18 festivals and screenings, many of them international.
Koning’s 3D printed stop motion animation was supported by a Monmouth University Creativity and Research Grant.
Koning is an award winning animator and digital artist combining video and 3D computer animation with audio to create mostly linear single channel works. His animations have been shown at the SIGGRAPH Art Gallery, Prix Ars Electronica and various other festivals. His earlier work includes on-stage videos for dance performances and multi screen installations.
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