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Prof. Mora-Ballesteros on «Modalidades discursivas en el género del realismo social latinoamericano: estudio pragmático y socio-crítico»

Luis Mora-Ballesteros, Ph.D., a lecturer of Spanish in the World Languages and Cultures Department, has written the preface to «Modalidades discursivas en el género del realismo social latinoamericano: estudio pragmático y socio-crítico» (“Discursive modes in Latin American social realism: a pragmatic and socio-critical study”) by Adelso Yánez-Leal, Ph.D., a senior lecturer in the Spanish Programme at the University of Otago, New Zealand.

Mora-Ballesteros also participated in an academic presentation on the book during the “III Jornadas Académicas de Literatura Centroamericana, School of Humanities at the Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala,” held virtually Oct. 15-17.