New Jersey’s new Anti-Bullying Law is one of the strongest in the country. In an effort to help school districts meet the law’s new challenges and responsibilities, the 2012 New Jersey Anti-Bullying Conference will bring together key state and national scholars and practitioners to present their expertise and knowledge about bullying prevention. This conference is critical for administrators, teachers, psychologists, social workers, and counselors from schools and any other organization working with New Jersey’s youth.
The 2nd Annual Anti-bullying Conference will be held on June 8, 2012 at Monmouth University’s Rebecca Stafford Student Center from 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. The event is sponsored by the Monmouth University’s School of Social Work and the Ceceilyn Miller Institute for Leadership and Diversity in America.
Acting Commissioner of Education of the State of New Jersey Chris Cerf is scheduled to speak at 12:30 p.m. He will address the requirements of the new Anti-Bullying Law, and its impact as it pertains to school districts and their service providers. Attendees will also learn and discuss evidence-based strategies and solutions for preventing bullying while building safe, caring school communities.
Conference presenters from all over the country and from a variety of backgrounds including psychologists, social workers, college professors, and trainers, have substantial experience in bullying prevention research and/or practice. Some of the scheduled speakers include: Stan Davis; Christa M. Tinari, director, Peace Praxis; Dr. Chavonne Lenoir Perotte, executive director of PCLT’s NJ Office; Dr. Margo R. Ross, senior director of development at PCLT; Dr. Paula C. Rodríguez Rust, Spectrum Diversity LLC; Dr. Judith Springer, associate director and senior trainer for CMI; and Dr. Rita Johnson, Cheyney University.
“Our organization is extremely pleased to bring together such distinguished guests to address this important issue, and to help improve the overall educational experience for our children,” said Christopher C. Irving, executive director & CEO of the Ceceilyn Miller Institute for Leadership & Diversity in America.
For more information, visit
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7:30 – 8:30 a.m. Registration & Continental Breakfast
9 – 10 a.m. Morning Keynote Address, Stan Davis, Youth Voice Project, What Really Works To Make Things Better for Targets of Bullying? Let’s Ask the Students Themselves!
10:15 – 11:15 a.m.
- Workshop I: Anacon A – Activities for Building Empathy in the Classroom
- Workshop II: Anacon B – Bullying and Teen Suicide Prevention
- Workshop III: Club Room 107 – Evidence-Based Group Mentoring Models that End Student Isolation, Foster Youth Leadership, and Build Cultures of Achievement
11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
- Workshop I: Anacon A – Effectively Engaging Parents in Your Bullying Prevention Efforts
- Workshop II: Anacon B – Promoting Student Resilience and Building Community in Schools
- Workshop III: Club Room 107 – Building Peer Support to Reduce Bullying and to Reduce the Harm that Bullying can do
12:30 – 1:30 p.m. – Lunch/Afternoon Keynote, Chris Cerf, Acting Commissioner of Education
2:15 – 3:15 p.m.
- Workshop I: Anacon A – Bullying Prevention and Law Enforcement: An Unusual but Necessary Partnership
- Workshop II: Anacon B – Best Practices in Bullying Prevention
- Workshop III: Club Room 107 – Bias and Prejudice: Often Overlooked, Essential Elements in Comprehensive Bullying Prevention, with a Focus on LGBT Issues in Schools
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Media contacts:
Christopher C. Irving at 973-580-5890 or Petra Ludwig at 732-263-5507