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Monmouth U. Professor Sheila McAllister Wins Research Award

Monmouth University Communication Professor Sheila McAllister received an award from the Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) for her outstanding work of research in communications and marketing for educational advancement.

Sheila McAllister is associate professor of public relations and director of the graduate program in corporate and public communication at Monmouth University. McAllister received the Alice L. Beeman Research Award in Communications and Marketing for Educational Advancement, outstanding published scholarship, for “How the World’s Top Universities Provide Dialogic Forums for Marginalized Voices.” Her study, which was published in Public Relations Review, examines if universities use new media tools and how the world’s top universities use Facebook as an interactive forum that gives voice to key stakeholders. She resides in Point Pleasant, NJ.

The Research Awards in Educational Advancement, awarded annually, recognize published books or articles, doctoral dissertations and master’s theses. Representatives from the CASE commissions on philanthropy, alumni relations and communications and marketing select the winning entries. For more information, visit