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Monmouth Debate Team Competes at West Point Military Academy Tournament

The Monmouth University Debate Team competed at the West Point Military Academy tournament on October 18 and 19. The tournament included approximately 90 teams from 17 universities, including Cornell University, Vanderbilt University, the U.S. Naval Academy, Boston College, and NYU to name a few.

Each year, a topic is picked to be debated throughout the year. The topic for this year is “Resolved: The United States Federal Government should substantially increase statutory and/or judicial restrictions on the war powers authority of the president of the United States in one or more of the following areas: targeted killing, indefinite detention, offensive cyber operations, or introducing U.S. Armed Forces into hostilities.” The Monmouth team created a case limiting the president’s authority in the area of drone strikes.

Monmouth debater Sana Rashid received a 10th place speaker award at the tournament. Monmouth entered seven two-person teams in the tournament, including team captain Dan Roman and Michelle Grushko, who debated in the experienced division; Jessica Roberts and Kyle Tucker; Ryan Kelly and Saliha Younas; Danielle Doud and Monica Santos; Rafael Gonzalez and Michael Hamilton; Amanda Kontor and Luis Reyes; and Sana Rashid and Irma Pinos. Ten Monmouth debaters made their debating debut at this tournament, and every team secured at least one victory. Jessica Roberts and Kyle Tucker fell just short of making the playoff rounds with a 3-3 record.

The Monmouth Debate Hawks will next be hosting (and competing) at the 4th annual Jersey Shore Invitational on Monmouth University’s campus on November 23-24, 2013. Approximately 15 universities will likely be competing at the tournament. For more information, contact Political Science Professor Joe Patten at