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Tamara Rial-Faigenbaum

  • Specialist Professor

Department: Health and Physical Education

Office: Robert E. McAllan Hall 21

Phone: 732-571-4637


Tamara Rial, Ph.D., is a specialist professor and researcher in the Department of Health and Physical Education at Monmouth University. She joined Monmouth University in 2023 and teaches a range of courses covering health and fitness, lifespan development, and exercise prescription. Currently, she is the coordinator of the Human Performance Lab at Monmouth University. Her research interests focus on hypopressive exercise, pelvic health, and pediatric exercise science. She has co-authored over 50 peer-reviewed publications and several books regarding hypopressive exercise which were translated into several languages. She has been an invited speaker at more than 50 national and international conferences including the American College of Sports Medicine, the National Strength and Conditioning Association, and the American Physical Therapy Association.

Scholarly Peer-Reviewed Articles

Faigenbaum, AD, Garcia-Hermoso, A., MacDonald, J.,Mortatti, A. Rial Rebullido, T. (2024). Bridging the Gap Between Strengthspan and Lifespan. British Journal of Sports Medicine,

Hernández Rovira, E. Rial Rebullido, T. Canyabate, D. Torrents Marti C. (2024). What is known in the literature about hypopressive exercise? A PAGER-compliant scoping review. Journal of Integrative and Complementary Medicine, ahead of print. Doi: 10.1089/jicm.2023.0811

Hernández Rovira, E. Canyabate, D. Alonso-Aubin, D. Rial Rebullido, T. (2023) The Effects of Hypopressive Exercise on Dynamic Neuromuscular Control in Female Roller-Skaters. International Journal of Exercise Science, 17(6) 252-264.

Faigenbaum, AD, Kamis, D. Rial Rebullido, T. (2024). A Strong Approach for Overcoming the FoRE: Fear of Resistance Exercise, ACM’s Health and Fitness Journal, 28(3)14-20, DOI: 10.1249/FIT.0000000000000958

Faigenbaum, AD, Ratamess, N., Kang, G. Bush, J., Rial Rebullido, T. (2023) May the Force be with Youth: Foundational Strength for Lifelong Development, Current Sports Medicine Reports, 22(12): 414-422. DOI: 10.1249/JSR.0000000000001122

Giagio, S., Straccionlini, A., Faigenbaum, AD, Pillastrini, P., Rial Rebullido, T. (2023). Infographic. Ten naked truths about the pelvic floor in athletes. British Journal of Sports Medicine. 57(24):1583-1584

Faigenbaum, AD, Straccioloni, A, MacDonald, J., Rial Rebullido, T. (2023) A Socio-ecological Approach for Building Stronger Youth for Life. British Journal of Sports Medicine.

Assumpção Wojcik, Kimberly; Pinheiro Machado, Lucas Teixeira; Bastos de Brito, Carla Itatiana; and Rial Rebullido, T. (2023). Can 5-weeks of Hypopressive Exercise Influence Sagittal Lumbo-Pelvic Position in Athletic and Non-Athletic Females?, International Journal of Exercise Science,16(4), 550-562

Alonso-Aubin, D.A, Chulvi-Medrano, I. Picón-Martínez, M., Gómez-Tomás, C., Cortell-Tormo, J.M., Cardozo, L.A., Rial Rebullido, T. (2023). Impact of Sexual Activity Prior to a Sports Competition in Amateur Athletes. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 116, 929-936. DOI:10.7752/jpes.2023.04116

Molina-Torres G, Moreno-Muñoz M, Rebullido TR, Castellote-Caballero Y, Bergamin M, Gobbo S, Hita-Contreras F, Cruz-Diaz D. (2023). The effects of an 8-week hypopressive exercise training program on urinary incontinence and pelvic floor muscle activation: a randomized controlled trial. Neurology and Urodynamics, 42(2):500-509. doi: 10.1002/nau.25110

Faigenbaum, AD, Straccioloni, A, MacDonald, J., Rial Rebullido, T. (2022) Infographic: Mythology of Youth Resistance Training. British Journal of Sports Medicine, doi: 10.1136/bjsports-2022-105804

Faigenbaum, AD, Rial Rebullido, T., Zaichkowsky, L. (2022) Heads-Up: Effective Strategies for Promoting Mental Health Literacy in Youth Fitness Programs. ACSM’S Health and Fitness Journal, 26(3), 12-19, doi: 10.1249/FIT.0000000000000765

Peña, J, Señé-Mir, A, Chulvi-Medrano, I., Rial Rebullido, T, Faigenbaum AD. (2022) Pump It Up! How Strong Muscles Can Make you Healthier. Frontiers for Young Minds, 10 (672766), 1-7, doi:10.3389/frym.2022.672766.

Teijido, S. Rial Rebullido, T. Gómez-Tomás, C., Alonso-Aubin D., Chulvi-Medrano, I. (2022) Effects of Hypopressive Exercise on Posterior Back Chain Kinematics and Pulmonary Function in Professional Female Basketball Players, Journal of Sport Rehabilitation,

Gómez-Tomás, C., Rial Rebullido, T., Chulvi-Medrano, I. (2021). Neuromuscular Prevention Strategies for Non-Contact Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries in Female Basketball Players. A Narrative Review. MHSALUD Revista en Ciencias del Movimiento Humano y Salud. 18(2): 1-21,

Alonso-Aubin, D, Chulvi-Medrano, I, Cortell-Tormo, JM, Picón-Martínez M, Rial Rebullido T, Faigenbaum, AD. (2021) Integrative Neuromuscular Training Enhances Physical Fitness in 6 to 14 years old Rugby Players, Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, doi:10.1519/JSC.0000000000003995

Alonso-Aubin D., Chulvi-Medrano, I., Cortell-Tormo, JM, Picón, M., Rial Rebullido, T., Faigenbaum, A. (2021) Squat and bench press force-velocity profiling in adolescent female and male rugby players. J Strength and Cond Res, doi: 10.1519/JSC.0000000000003336

Rial Rebullido, T., Gomez-Tomás, C. Faigenbaum, AD, Chulvi-Medrano, I. (2021). The Prevalence of Urinary Incontinence among Adolescent Female Athletes: A Systematic Review. Journal of Functional Morphology and Kinesiology. 28;6(1) doi: 10.3390/jfmk6010012

Peixoto de Lucena EG, Teixeira LF, Lemes Mendes C, Castaño LA, Rial Rebullido T, Uchida MC. (2021). Hemodynamic Responses of Hypopressive Exercise in Healthy Women. Journal of Bodywork & Movement Therapies,25,94-99,

Faigenbaum, AD., MacDonald, J., Stracciolini, A., Rial Rebullido T. (2020) Making a Strong Case for Prioritizing Muscular Fitness in Youth Physical Activity Guidelines. Current Sports Medicine Reports, 19(12), 530-536. doi: 10.1249/JSR.0000000000000784

Miguel Guillen C, Loaiza-Betancur, AF, Rial Rebullido, T, Faigenbaum, AD, Chulvi-Medrano, I. (2020). The Effects of Resistance Training on Blood Pressure in Children and Adolescents: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(21),7900.

Chulvi-Medrano I., Pombo, M, Saavedra-García, M.A., Rial Rebullido, T. Faigenbaum, A. (2020). 47-year comparison of lower body muscular power in spanish boys, Journal of Functional Morphology and Kinesiology 5(3), 64.

Chulvi-Medrano I., Villa, E, Rial Rebullido, T., Faigenbaum, AD. (2020) The Impact of COVID-19 Quarantine on Youth: From Physical Inactivity to Pediatric Depreobesity. Journal of Movement & Health, 18(1), 2020.

Chulvi-Medrano, I., Rial Rebullido, T., Gómez-Tomás, C., Faigenbaum, AD. (2020). Feasibility and preliminary efficacy of a hypopressive exercise program on postmenopausal cancer survivors: a pilot study. Journal of Bodywork & Movement Therapies, 24, 284-489.

Faigenbaum, AD, Rial Rebullido, T, Chulvi-Medrano, I. (2020). Youth Physical Activity is All About the “F-words”. Strength and Conditioning Journal, 42(6),2-6. doi: 10.1519/SSC.0000000000000530

Faigenbaum, AD, MacDonald, J., Carvalho, C., Rial Rebullido, T. (2020). The Pediatric Inactivity Triad: A Triple Jeopardy for Modern Day Youth. ACSM’S Health and Fitness Journal, 24(4), 10-17. doi: 10.1249/FIT.0000000000000584

Rial Rebullido, T.  Chulvi-Medrano, I. (2020). The abdominal vacuum technique for bodybuilding. Strength and Conditioning Journal, 42(5),116-120, 2020 doi: 10.1519/SSC.0000000000000434

Rial Rebullido, T., Chulvi-Medrano, I., Faigenbaum, A., Straccioloni, A. (2020). Pelvic floor dysfunction in female athletes, Strength and Conditioning Journal, 42(4), 82-92, doi: 10.1519/SSC.0000000000000440

Faigenbaum, A, Rial Rebullido T., Peña-Lopez, J., Chulvi-Medrano, I. (2019). Resistance Exercise for the Prevention and Treatment of Pediatric Dynapenia. Journal of Science in Sport and Exercise. 1, 208-216. doi:10.1007/s42978-019-00038-0

Rial Rebullido, T.  Stracciolini, A.  (2019). Pelvic floor dysfunction in female athletes: Is relative energy deficiency in sports (RED-S) a risk factor? Current Sports & Medicine Reports, 18(7); 255-257. 0.1249/JSR.0000000000000615

Faigenbaum, A., Rial Rebullido, T. (2018). Understanding physical literacy in youth. Strength and Conditioning Journal, 40(6), 90-94, doi: 10.1519/SSC.0000000000000417

Faigenbaum, A., Rebullido, T., MacDonald, J. (2018). The unsolved problem of pediatric physical inactivity: It’s time for a new perspective. Acta Paediatrica, 107(11), 1857-1859, 

Rial Rebullido, T. Faigenbaum, A. (2018). De la alfabetización hacia el analfabetismo físico. EmásF, Revista Digital de Eduación Física, 9(53), 5-9.

Chulvi-Medrano, I., Rial Rebullido, T. (2018). A case study of hypopressive exercise adapted for urinary incontinence following radical prostatectomy surgery. Fisioterapia. 40(2), 101-104.   

Faigenbaum, A., Rial Rebullido, T. andMacDonald, J. (2018). Pediatric inactivity triad: A risky PIT. Current Sports Medicine Reports, 17(2), 1-3 doi: 10.1249/JSR.0000000000000450

Tracogna, V. Rial Rebullido, T. (2017). Women’s expectations and perceived benefits of hypopressive exercise: a practical experience. Retos: nuevas tendencias en educación física, deporte y recreación, 34, 134-141

Chulvi-Medrano, I., Rial Rebullido, T., Cortell-Tormo, J.M, Alakhdar, Y., Teixeira, C.V, Masía-Tortosa, L, Dorgo, S. (2017). Manual Resistance versus Conventional Resistance Training: Impact on Strength and Muscular Endurance in Recreationally Trained Men. Journal of Sports Science & Medicine, 16(3), 343-349.

Abimael, B., Rial Rebullido, T., Chulvi-Medrano, I. Fabre, P. (2017). Hypopressive exercise for the treatment of urinary incontinence in multiparous women: clinical series. RECIEN: Revista Científica de Enfermería, 13(2), 36-53

Rial Rebullido, T. Pinsach, P. (2016). Rehabilitation for pelvic floor and core muscles through Low Pressure Fitness. Sports Medicine: research and practice, 2(6), 68-72.

Rial Rebullido, T. Villanueva, C. (2016). Flashmob as a proposal for education innovation in body expression and dance. Retos. Nuevas tendencias en Educación Física, deporte y recreación.  29(1), 126-128.

Picón, M., Chulvi-Medrano, I., Cortell-Tormo, JM, Rial Rebullido, T., Rodríguez-Pérez, M. (2016). Immediate effects of post-activation potentiation using superimposed partial oclusion.Archives of Sport Medicine, 32(6), 368-373.

López, M. Baiget, E., Rial Rebullido T. (2016).Readaptación del dolor inguinal en futbolistas con ejercicio hipopresivo: serie de casos. Revista de Preparación Física en el fútbol. 19(1), 49-58.

Álvarez, M., Rial Rebullido, T., Chulvi-Medrano I., Soidan, J.L. & Cortell-Tormo, J. (2016). Can an eight-week program based on the hypopressive technique produce changes in pelvic floor and body composition in female rugby players? Retos: nuevas tendencias en educación física, deporte y recreación. 30(5), 26-29.

Luis Lois, L. Rial Rebullido, T. (2016). Eating and physical activity behaviours of primary education students: a descriptive study of a school in Pontevedra. Sportis. Revista Técnico-Científica del Deporte Escolar, Educación Física y Psicomotricidad. 2(1), 77-92.

Rial Rebullido, T., Chulvi-Medrano, I., Cortell-Tormo, J., Álvarez, M. (2015). Can a program based on hypopressive technique improve the impact of urinary incontinence in womens quality of life?Pelvic floor, 11(2), 27-32.

Rubio, B., Rial Rebullido, T., Villanueva, C., Raposo, M. (2015). Assessment and subjective perception of high-school students after an educational component of hypopressive exercise. Sportis Scientific-Technical Journal 1(3), 239-252.

Rubio, B. Rial Rebullido, T. (2015). A didactic proposal based on hypopressive exercise for secondary school. Revista Digital de Educación Física, EmásF, 7(37) 50-6.

Rodrigo, F.  Rial Rebullido, T. (2015). Subjective assessment of dances of the world in pre-school. Revista Digital de Educación Física, EmásF, 7(37) 49-34.

Rial Rebullido, T., Sousa, L., García, E., Pinsach. P. (2014). Immediate effects of a hypopressive exercise session on different body parameters. Cuestiones de Fisioterapia. 43(1),13-21.

Villanueva, C. & Rial Rebullido, T. (2014). Aplicaciones para dispositivos móviles para el ejercicio físico y el deporte (Apps for exercise and sport mobil devices). Móvete 7(3),16-18.

Rial Rebullido, T., Negreira, R., Alvarez-Saez, M., García-Soidán, J.L. (2013). Can a program based on hypopressive exercise influence hamstring flexibility and lumbar mobility of female soccer players? Revista de Preparación Física en el fútbol, 8(3) 42-53.

Invited Talks

  • Training the Female Athlete Master’s Degree in Strength Training and Neuromuscular Performance, University Camilo Jose Cela, Madrid, Spain, 2025.
  • Pre-post partum: pregnancy programming and Fitball Pilates. XIX Internacional Convention of Fitness Sport Zone of Maia, Matosinhos, Portugal Maia, Portugal, 2010.
  • The Role of Hypopressive Exercise in Pelvic Health Physical Therapy. American Physical Therapists Conference, A Combined Meeting Sections, Boston, MA, 2024.
  • Abdominal Diastasis: how to assess and intervene. 1st International Congress Physiotherapy, Physical Activity and Health. Jaén, Spain, 2023.
  • Redefining the concept, assessment, and treatment of Diastasis Recti from a fascial perspective. World Congress of Fascia, Brasilia, Brazil. 2023           
  • The Athlete’s Pelvic Floor: From Dysfunction to Performance NSCA Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference Aston, PA, 2022 
  • Low Pressure Fitness and Pelvic Therapy. 1st Pelvic Physiotherapy Meeting Gramados, Brazil, 2022.       
  • Hypopressives for Postpartum care, Pelvic organ prolapse, Diastasis recti, and beyond.
  • APTA Pelvic Health Fall 2022 Symposium, virtual, 2022.                                                                                                      
  • Introduction to Hypopressives. Philadelphia Regional Pelvic PT Alliance   Cherry Hill, NJ, 2020
  • How does exercise impact the pelvic floor? Mid-Atlantic Regional Chapter of the American College of Sports Medicine (MARC-ACSM) 42nd Annual Scientific Meeting 2019, Harrisburg, PA, 2019
  • Pelvic floor fitness for the active female: Science Applied to Practice Department of Health and Exercise Science of the College of New Jersey, Spring Guest lecture, Ewing, NJ, 2019
  • Training the female athlete, Wingsport  Madrid, Spain, 2019
  • Mental Health for Youth: Breathing and Yoga. Pediatric Exercise Science Course, University of Alicante. Alicante, Spain 2018
  • Pelvic floor fitness and the female athlete National Strength and Conditioning Association 2018 Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference Aston, PA, 2018
  • Pelvic floor fitness for female athletes, Sports Science Workshop for Shangai Research Institute of Sports Science, The College of New Jersey, Ewing, NJ, 2018          
  • Low-Pressure Fitness: Hypopressive Training. National Aquatic Therapy Conference Chicago, IL, 2017.
  • Postural & strength training in children. IV Congreso Internacional de Prevención de Lesiones Deportivas. El Deportista en Crecimiento. Murcia, Spain, 2017
  • Prevention of pelvic floor dysfunction V Meeting of Gynecology and Obstetrics in Primary Care attention. Madrid, Spain, 2017
  • Low Pressure Fitness and Abdominal Massage for Pelvic Care Herman & Wallace Pelvic and Rehabilitation Institute, Princeton, NJ, 2015
  • Hypopressive Techniques  Master de Medicina Natural en la facultad de Medicina, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, 2015      
  • Exercise during pregnancy Servicio de Extensión Universitaria University of Vigo Pontevedra, Spain, 2016
  • Women, health, fitness and sport. Mundo Entrenamiento, Galicia, Spain, 2016.
  • Low Pressure Fitness-Hypopressive for the Pelvic Floor. British Columbia Physiotherapy Association March Vancouver, Canada, 2016.
  • Tamara Rial: professional carreer. I Jornadas Salidas Profesionales para estudiantes/titulados en CAFYD, Servicio de Orientación Laboral de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca. Salamanca, Spain, 2016
  • ¿Problemática común de la atleta adolescente? Abordaje desde el ámbito educativo y deportivo IV Jornadas Nacionales de Nutrición, Ejercicio Físico y Salud. La Coruña, Spain, 2015
  • Introduction to the Hypopressive technique for health and prevention. Lecture at European University Miguel de Cervantes. Valladolid, Spain,2015
  • Postpartum rehabilitation with hypopressive techniques. XXXII Congress Meeting of Gynecologists and Obstetricians. Manresa, Spain. 2015
  • Hypopressive techniques in physical education”. Experiencias exitosas no eido da Educación Física, Xunta de Galicia, Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Ordenación Universitaria. Ferrol, Spain, 2015
  • The missing link of core training for young female athletes. Congress of Youth Strength Training, University Institute of Maia-ISMAI, Maia, Portugal, 2015.
  • Hypopressives and well-being for the spine Congres Hispamás 2014, Barcelona, Spain,2014
  • Hypopressive Training, National Strength Conditioning Association Spain Webinar, Madrid, Spain, 2014.
  • Pelvic floor and exercise. Workshop Oficial Colegi de Llicenciats en Educaió Física i Ciències de L`Activitat Física i de L`Esport de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain, 2014
  • Hypopressive gymnastics: experience in high school students and Flashmob as a proyect of body expression for universitary students. Xornadas de Intercambio de Experiencias, Ilustre Colexio Oficial de Licenciados en Educación Física e Graduados en Ciencias da Actividade Física e do Deporte de Galicia, Riveira, Spain, 2013.
  • Hypopressive exercises. V National Congress of Physiotherapy Students, University Miguel Hernández de Elche, Elche, Spain, 2013.
  • Pelvic floor and fitness. Workshop Federación Española de Entrenadores Personales y Fitness, Valencia, Spain, 2013.
  • Hypopressive method.  Curso de introducción al método pilates, método hipopresivo y entrenamiento del core, Extensión Universitaria de la Universidad de León, León, Spain, 2013
  • Tools and techniques available for personal training: hypopressive method and unstable platforms. Seminario de Entrenamiento Personal, Escuela de Negocios del Deporte. Santiago de Compostela, Spain, 2012
  • Hypopressives. Nuevas tendencias en entrenamiento del core: evidencias y aplicaciones. Core training. Hipopresivos. Pilates, G-SE, Madrid, Spain, 2012.
  • Scientific evidences of the Hypopressive Method. V Strength Training Simposium, Universidad Politécncia de Madrid, Madrid, Spain, 2012.
  • Hypopressive method. Introducción al método pilates y al método hipopresivo, Extensión Universitaria de la Universidad de León, León, Spain, 2012.
  • Hypopressive method, prevention and improvements.VII Aquaday Matosinhos Sport,2012
  • Hypopressive method and sport applications XXII Jornadas de la Asociación Gallega de Medicina del DeporteSantiago de Compostela, Spain
  • Sports performance through the Pilates method I Jornada de Técnicas Alternativas aplicadas al Deporte, ATEGA. Vigo, Spain, 2011
  • Indoor-cycling and Hypopressive techniques. Novas Tendencias nas clases colectivas e dinamización das salas de fitness, Xunta de Galicia, Consellería de Educación e Ordenación Universitaria, Vigo, Spain, 2011.

Professional Associations

  • National Strength and Conditioning Association
  • American College of Sports Medicine
  • Association of Clinical Research Professionals
  • Yoga Alliance                                                


  • Certified Clinical Research Coordinator      
  • Certified Special Population Specialist
  • Certified Exercise Physiologist
  • American Heart Association Basic Life Support Instructor Registered Yoga Teacher


  • ACSM’S Paper of the year 2022 award Heads-Up: Effective Strategies for Promoting Mental Health Literacy in Youth Fitness Programs. ACSM’S Health and Fitness Journal
  • ACSM’S Paper of the year 2020 “Making a Strong Case for Prioritizing Muscular Fitness in Youth Physical Activity Guidelines” Current Sports Medicine Reports
  • Best Activity/Sports Program Award, Asociación Gallega de Gestores Deportivos, 2016.
  • Best Study or Innovation Award, AGAXEDE, Asociación Gallega de Gestores Deportivos, 2015.


Recently Taught Classes

2025 Spring

  • Fitness Concepts and Measurements – PE 215
  • Health Research Methods – HE 290

2024 Fall

  • Health Research Methods – HE 290
  • Lifespan Development and Health – HE 212

2024 Spring

  • Health Research Methods – HE 290
  • Lifespan Development and Health – HE 212

2023 Fall

  • Lifespan Development and Health – HE 212
  • Motor Development and Learning – PE 340
  • Strategies for Healthy Living – HE 101

2023 Summer A

  • Strategies for Healthy Living – HE 101

2023 Spring

  • Lifespan Development and Health – HE 212
  • Motor Development and Learning – PE 340
  • Strategies for Healthy Living – HE 101

Frequently Taught Classes

  • Fitness Concepts and Measurements (PE 215)
  • Health Research Methods (HE 290)
  • Lifespan Development and Health (HE 212)
  • Motor Development and Learning (PE 340)
  • Strategies for Healthy Living (HE 101)