Susan Forquer Gupta, Ph.D.
- Associate Provost
Department: Office of the Provost
Office: The Great Hall at Shadow Lawn 210
Phone: 732-571-3639
Email: sgupta@monmouth.edu
Dr. Gupta’s research is focused on cross cultural differences in managerial decision making (B2B), culture measures, as well as cultural differences in brand meaning and branding in global markets. She has published in Cross Cultural Management: An International Journal (CCM), the International Marketing Review (IMR), Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing (JBIM), and the Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management, and presented conference papers at the Academy of International Business Annual Meeting (AIB), Academy of Marketing Science (AMS), American Marketing Association (AMA), Cross Cultural Research Conference, Advertising and Consumer Psychology Conference (ACP), European Marketing Conference (EMAC), and the National Conference in Sales Management.
She spent a semester as a visiting scholar at the Budapest University of Economic Sciences (1995) and has given a number of invited speaker presentations around the globe, including India, Czech Republic, Hungary, and the United States. She has served in a number of officer roles including president of the Women of the Academy of International Business (WAIB) which supports mentoring, networking, and gender research in international business, as well as was appointed to the AIB Strategic planning committee. Dr. Gupta served as the Conference Chair for the 2016 AIB US Southeast Chapter having served as Program Chair the previous year. Previous to her current position at Monmouth University, she was on the marketing faculty at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, School of Business.
She received her Ph.D. in Business Administration in 1996 from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville in Marketing and International Business; and her M.S. in Human Environmental Sciences in 1989, and a B.S. in Design Management and Merchandising in 1987 from the University of Missouri-Columbia. Previous professional positions include: consultant for McCarty, Holsaple, McCarty, Inc.; facility programming and needs assessment for TVA-Tennessee Valley Authority, a large governmental organization where she conducted interviews, focus groups, and analysis; and facility programmer at Hellmuth Obata Kassabaum (HOK) Inc., St. Louis, MO, a large international architectural and strategic space planning firm.
Scholarly Articles
Gupta, Susan Forquer (2016) “Cross Cultural Consumption” in the volume titled The International Handbook of Consumer Psychology edited by Catherine Jansson-Boyd and Magdalena Zawisza, Talyor & Francis Group Publishing
Gupta, Susan Forquer (2012) “Integrating National Culture Measures in the Context of Business Decision Making: An Initial Measurement Development Test of a Mid Level Model” Accepted for Publication in Cross Cultural Management (CCM): an International Journal. Emerald Publishing. Vol 19 Issue 4 pp. 553-605
Skiba Michaeline, and Susan Forquer Gupta (2009) “Global Perspectives in the Origins, Development & Consequences of Women’s Self Concepts Cultivated Through Television Programming and Advertising” in the volume titled Emerging Issues and Challenges in Business & Economics: Selected Contributions from the 8th Global Conference, edited by Francesco Ciampi.
Gupta, Susan Forquer, Doan Winkel and Laura Peracchio (2009) “National Culture Measures And Brand Issues; Difficulties In Creating A Global Brand Image” in Nishit Kumar eds The Branding of Nations, ICFAI press. Reprint of paper presented and published in the proceedings of the Cross Cultural Research Conference 2007 in Honolulu Hawaii.
Gupta, Susan Forquer, Doan Winkel and Laura Perrachio (June 2009) Chapter 12: “Culture Value Dimensions and Brands: Can a Global Brand Image Exist?” in J. Priester, D. MacInnis, and C.W. Park (eds.), Handbook of Brand Relationships, N.Y. Society for Consumer Psychology and M.E. Sharp. p.230-246. Substantially lengthened and revised from the short abstract published in the proceedings of and presented at the Advertising and Consumer Psychology: New Frontiers in Branding: Attitudes, Attachments and Relationships, Santa Monica, CA June 7-9, 2007
Ringberg, Torsten, and Susan Forquer Gupta (2003) “The Importance of Understanding the World of Customers in Business-to –Business Relationship.” Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing Vol. 18 No. 6/7 2003, p. 607-626.Luna, David and Susan Forquer Gupta (2001), “An Integrative Framework for Cross-Cultural Consumer Behavior”, International Marketing Review, Volume 18, No.1 Pages 45-69. One of the most Downloaded Articles in the history of the journal.
Moon, Mark A., and Susan Forquer Gupta (1997) “Examining the Formation of Selling Centers: A Conceptual Framework,” Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management, XVII: 2, Spring 1997, p.31-41