Robyn Gold, M.A.
- Adjunct
Department: English
Office: The Great Hall Annex 16
Office Hours: Thursdays and Fridays, 10:!5-11:!5 a.m., by appointment only.
Phone: 732-571-3651
Email: rgold@monmouth.edu
M.A., The College of New Jersey
B.A., The College of New Jersey
Research Interests
Research interests include Composition and Rhetoric, Narrative Theory, the Hero’s Journey Paradigm, and the Adaptational History of Fairy Tales and Mythology.
Scholarly Articles
“Peace Studies and Literary Studies: An Experiment in Teaching and Learning” Peace Studies Journal. Volume 10, Issue 3. Pages 15-28. November, 2017. Co-written with Dr. Janet Gray and Matthew Fuhrmeister. http://peacestudiesjournal.org/psj-volume-10-issue-3-november-2017/
Presentations/Invited Talks
“Facilitating Student-Led Inquiry in Socratic Discussions and Compositional Endeavors” The College of New Jersey Instructional Design Workshop in Ewing, NJ (2022). Also presented at the Faculty WebEx Series in Toms River, NJ (2022).
“Engaging Students with Identity: The Name or Identity Piece” Faculty WebEx Series. Panel Presentation. Toms River, NJ (2021).
“Integrating Popular Culture into the Arts and Humanities Classroom” Faculty WebEx Series. Panel Presentation. Toms River, NJ (2019).
“Disentangling the Narrative in Robert Coover’s Briar Rose” Sigma Tau Delta International English Honor Society Convention. Paper Presentation. Minneapolis, MN (2016).
“Replacing Violence with Narrative in The Arabian Nights” Northeastern Modern Language Association (NeMLA). Seminar Presentation. Hartford, CT (2016).
“Exploring the Cave in Marston’s Sophonisba & Middleton’s The Witch” Sigma Tau Delta International English Honor Society Convention. Paper Presentation. Albuquerque, NM (2015). Also presented at the Northeast Modern Language Association (NeMLA) inHartford, CT (2016).
“YA Literature and the Student-Centered Diverse Classroom” Sigma Tau Delta International English Honor Society Convention. Roundtable Presentation. Minneapolis, MN (2016).
“Enforcing the Reading-Writing Connection with Found Poetry” Sigma Tau Delta International English Honor Society Convention. Roundtable Presentation. Albuquerque, NM (2015).
“The Latina Woman and Cross-Cultural Aphorisms: Neck or Head?” Sigma Tau Delta International English Honor Society Convention. Paper Presentation. Atlanta, GA (2014).
“A Reincarnation of Words” Sigma Tau Delta International English Honor Society Convention. Paper Presentation at the Regional Conference in Shepherdstown, WV (2012) and International Conference in Portland, OR (2013).
Professional Associations
Sigma Tau Delta, International English Honor Society. Former Chapter President.
Kappa Delta Pi, International Education Honor Society
New Jersey Education Association (NJEA)
Northeast Modern Language Association (NeMLA)
Gotham Workshop for Creative Writing
The Alpha Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror Workshop for Young Writers
Vocal Media’s Game of Thrones Personal Essay Contest Worldwide Winner (2019)
Sigma Tau Delta International English Honor Society P.C. Somerville Scholarship for Future Educators (2016)
Sigma Tau Delta International English Honor Society Eastern Regent Scholarship (2015)