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Photo of Ralph G. Cuseglio

Ralph Cuseglio, DSW, LCSW

  • Associate Professor

Department: School of Social Work

Office: Robert E. McAllan Hall 331

Phone: 732-923-4694


Dr. Cuseglio has maintained a private psychotherapy practice for several years where he combines a psychodynamic treatment approach with mindfulness-based practices. Dr. Cuseglio formally served as a high school social worker for 9 years in an urban school district working primarily with Latino adolescents and families.  In this capacity, he provided supportive and therapeutic counseling to over 500 adolescents in individual and group modalities. Dr. Cuseglio was formally a field supervisor for MSW students for several years.  Given his extensive experience working with youth, Dr. Cuseglio regularly offers mental health training to court appointed advocates for children in the foster care system.


DSW, Rutgers University

MSW, Rutgers University

B.A., Psychology, Oberlin College

Research Interests

Dr. Cuseglio’s research interests include the integration of mindfulness based practices into psychodynamic treatment, client reenactment and rupture in the therapeutic dyad, countertransference as it relates to Carl Jung’s wounded healer archetype, and the impact of mental health issues on individuals’ creative capacities. 


Cuseglio, R. (2018). Mindfulness group work in the school setting.  In Miriam Jaffe, M. Floersch, J., Longhofer, J. Winograd,  W. (Eds.), The Social Work and K-12 Schools Casebook:Phenomenological Perspectives (Ch. 9).  NY: Routledge.  

Presentations/Invited Talks

Cuseglio, R (2017, May, 2). Mindfulness groups in high schools: The benefits and contribution to positive          school climate. Presented at NASW-NJ Annual Conference, Atlantic City, NJ. 

Cuseglio, R (2017, August, 4). The beautiful and unusual life of Syd Barrett. Presented at Creativity & Madness Conference,  Santa Fe, NM. 


Cuseglio R. (2018, March, 15-18). A unique partnership: MSW field placement at the public library. 34th Annual Association of Baccalaureate Social Work Program Directors Conference, Atlanta, GA.

Professional Associations

National Association of Social Work (NASW)  

Additional Information

Dr. Cuseglio is the current Chair of Monmouth University’s Phi Alpha Honor Society.

Dr. Cuseglio enjoys international travel, musical performance, live music, cross training, and ice hockey


Recently Taught Classes

2024 Fall

  • Clinical Practice With Families and Children – SW 605
  • Field Practicum III Fc – SW 630

2024 Spring

  • Clinical Social Work Assessment Diagnosis and Intervention Planning – SW 645
  • Social Work Practice With Individuals and Families – SW 342

2023 Spring

  • Clinical Social Work Assessment Diagnosis and Intervention Planning – SW 645
  • Field Practicum IV Fc – SW 640
  • Social Work Practice With Individuals and Families – SW 342

2022 Fall

  • Advanced Clinical Practice With Children – SW 665
  • Clinical Practice With Families and Children – SW 605
  • Field Practicum III Fc – SW 630

2022 Spring

  • Clinical Social Work Assessment Diagnosis and Intervention Planning – SW 645
  • Field Practicum IV Fc – SW 640
  • Social Work Practice With Individuals and Families – SW 342

2021 Fall

  • Advanced Clinical Practice With Children – SW 665
  • Clinical Practice With Families and Children – SW 605
  • Field Practicum III Fc – SW 630

2021 Spring

  • Clinical Social Work Assessment Diagnosis and Intervention Planning – SW 645
  • Field Practicum IV Fc – SW 640

Frequently Taught Classes

  • Advanced Clinical Practice With Children (SW 665)
  • Clinical Practice With Families and Children (SW 605)
  • Clinical Social Work Assessment Diagnosis and Intervention Planning (SW 645)
  • Field Practicum I (SW 510)
  • Field Practicum II (SW 520)
  • Field Practicum III Fc (SW 630)
  • Field Practicum IV Fc (SW 640)
  • Is Anybody Out There?: Mental Health, Artistic Expression and Audience (FYSW 105)
  • Social Work Practice With Individuals and Families (SW 342)