John P. Hanly, Ph.D.
- Associate Professor
- Department Chair
- Graduate Faculty
Department: English
Office: The Great Hall Annex 23
Office Hours: Thursdays, 4:00-6:00 p.m.; and by appointment.
Phone: 732-923-4726
Email: jphanly@monmouth.edu
J.P. Hanly is an Associate Professor and Chair of the English department. He teaches first-year composition and undergraduate and graduate-level courses in the history of rhetoric, rhetorical and composition theory, and composition pedagogy. He has published essays in Rhetoric Review, Journal for the History of Rhetoric, Peitho: Journal of the Coalition of Feminist Scholars in the History of Rhetoric and Composition, and the Kentucky Philological Review; has delivered presentations at RSA, CCCC, NeMLA, PCA/ACA, and the Thomas R. Watson Conference; and is a 2011 graduate of the University of Louisville’s Ph.D program in Rhetoric and Composition.
Preferred Pronouns: he/him
Ph.D., University of Louisville
M.A., University of Chicago
Research Interests
Research interests include: History of Rhetoric, Rhetorical Theory, Composition Theory, First-Year and Advanced College Writing, Narrative Theory, Postmodern Ethical Theory.
Scholarly Articles
“‘Dear Mr. Blackwell, How He Has Helped!’: Toward an Anatomy of Ally Rhetoric.” Journal for the History of Rhetoric 23.3 (2020): 287-315.
“‘Then Alone Could the Morning Stars Sing Together For Joy’: Engendering Rhetorical Alliance in the Stone-Blackwell Courtship Correspondence.” Rhetoric Review 38.3 (2019): 285-296.
“Inviting Infamy, Reframing Freedom: Nineteenth-Century Anti-Polygamy Lecturer, Ann Eliza Young, and the Dynamics of Incremental Persuasion.” Peitho: Journal of the Coalition of Feminist Scholars in the History of Rhetoric and Composition 20.1 (2017).
“Striking Through the Masque: Intertextuality and Iconoclasm in Susan Howe’s Eikon Basilike, or a Bibliography of the King’s Book.” Kentucky Philological Review 27 (2013).
Presentations/Invited Talks
“Rolling Out/Up/Over the Welcome Mat: Contrasting Conceptions of the City, Hospitality and Rhetoric in the Jacobs-Mumford Debate” – 2020 Rhetoric Society of America National Convention, Portland, OR. 22 May 2020. Cancelled due to COVID-19 pandemic.
“Intellectual Affectation or Integral Location?: Recognizing Rhetoric’s (and RSA’s) Role in Inventing Composition as an Ethical Subject” – 2018 Rhetoric Society of America National Convention, Minneapolis, MN. 1 Jun. 2018.
“‘Never Met a Wise Man’: Historiographical Heuristics and the Challenge of Forming Male Feminist Allies” – 2017 NEMLA Convention, Baltimore, MD. 24 Mar. 2017.
“Can Senior Seminar Become a Site for the Intellectual Work of Composition?: Cultivating Reflection on Composition, Rhetoric, and English Studies” 2017 CCCC National Convention, Portland, Oregon. 16 Mar. 2017.
“Risking Alliances, Risking Change: 19th-Century U.S. Protestant Women’s Mission Organizations and Their Rhetorical Allies.” 2016 Rhetoric Society of America National Convention, Atlanta, Georgia. 29 May 2016.
“‘The Woman’s Cause is Man’s’: Alliance and Ambivalence in the Rhetorical Practice of Lucy Stone.” 2016 NEMLA Convention, Hartford, Connecticut. 20 Mar. 2016.
“Point of No Return?: Rhetoric, Ethics, and Risk in the First-Year Writing Classroom” 2015 CCCC National Convention, Tampa, Florida. 19 Mar. 2015.
“Going Public and Growing Publics: Readdressing the Ethical/Public Work of Composition” 2013 CCCC National Convention, Las Vegas, Nevada. 16 Mar. 2013.
“An Economic Ethics?” Material Developments in Contemporary Interdisciplinary Ethical Theory” 2012 Thomas R. Watson Conference in Rhetoric and Composition, Louisville, Kentucky. 18 Oct. 2012
“Framing Fundamentalism: Ethics, Identification, and Feminist Rhetorical Action in the Career of the 19th Century Anti-Mormon Rhetor, Ann Eliza Young” Rhetoric Society of America Biennial National Convention, Philadelphia, PA. 27 May 2012.
“Striking Through the Masque: Intertextuality and Iconoclasm in Susan Howe’s Eikon Basilike, or a Bibliography of the King’s Book” Kentucky Philological Society State Convention, Morehead State University, Morehead, KY. 4 Mar. 2012. Paper selected best in panel.
“Days in the Wake: Reading and Representing Student Writing About Identity Post-Post-9/11” CCCC National Convention, New York Hilton, New York. 24 Mar. 2007.
“In(deed) an Invitation to Listen to a Story: Notions of Narrative Ethics in Rhetoric and Composition Theory and Practice” 2006 Thomas R. Watson Conference in Rhetoric & Composition, Louisville, Kentucky. 6 Oct. 2006.
“Why Conflicting Stories Matter: 19th-Century Anti-Mormon Popular Fiction and the Case of Ann Eliza Young.” National PCA/ACA Conference, Atlanta, GA. 13 Apr. 2006.
Professional Associations
Rhetoric Society of America (RSA)
National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE)
Northeast Modern Language Association (NEMLA)
American Association of University Professors (AAUP)
American Association of Colleges & Universities (AACU)
Recently Taught Classes
2025 Spring
- The Art and Practice of Persuasion – EN 373
2024 Fall
- Seminar in Literary Research – EN 502
2024 Spring
- History and Theory of Rhetoric II – EN 547
2023 Fall
- Approaches to Composition Theory – EN 474
2023 Spring
- Approaches to Composition Theory – EN 474
2022 Fall
- History and Theory of Rhetoric I – EN 546
2022 Summer B
- College Composition II – EN 102