Janice C. Stapley, Ph.D.
- Professor Emerita
Department: Psychology
Office: Howard Hall 111C
Phone: 732-571-3681
Email: jstapley@monmouth.edu
Ph.D., Rutgers, The State University of NJ
M.A., Rutgers, The State University of NJ
B.A., Russell Sage College
Research Interests
Special areas of interest are developmental psychology and emotion. Research program is focused on gender differences in normal and pathological emotion and emotional development during adolescence and emerging adulthood. Other areas of expertise include mixed-methods research and qualitative research; the application of developmental psychology to industrial/organizational psychology and human resources; and college adjustment and academic advising.
Scholarly Articles
Stapley, J. C., & Kalieta, V. (2018). Attitudes regarding concussion among female student-athletes: Gender, Developmental, and culture of sport influences. The International Journal of Sport and Society, 9 (2),51-60.
Stapley, J. C., & Bieber, T. (2017, December). Appropriate Advising advising for student-athletes: It takes a village. Academic Advising Today, 40 (4).
Stapley, J. C., & Miceli, K. (2017, Spring) Program evaluation support for the Long Branch Concordance: A meaningful research experience for Psychology undergraduates. Published by CUR (Council for Undergraduate Research) Case Studies in Innovation and Collaboration. http://sl-community.sl.psu.edu/CUR/viewvignette.php?id=Stapley1926798869
Stapley, J. C. & Morecraft J. * (2015, December) College student bereavement: What advisors need to know! Academic Advising Today http://www.nacada.ksu.edu/Resources/Academic-Advising-Today/View-Articles/College-Student-Bereavement-What-Advisors-Need-to-Know.aspx
Noonan, J., & Stapley, J. C. (2015, March). The demise of in-person academic advising is nowhere in sight! Academic Advising Today, 38(1).
Bothner,* K., & Stapley, J. C. (2014, December) Academic advising: The key to increasing retention among students with anxiety disorders. Academic Advising Today , 37(4).
Van Volkom, M., Stapley, J. C., & Amaturo, V.* (2014). Revisiting the digital divide: Generational differences in technology use in everyday life. North American Journal of Psychology, 16, 547-564.
Stapley, J. C. (2014). Music and emotion regulation among emerging adults. In F. R. Spielhagen and P. D. Schwartz (eds.) Adolescence in the 21rst Century (pp. 225-238). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing, Inc
Van Volkom, M., Stapley, J. C., & Malter, J*. (2013). Use and perception of technology: Sex and generational differences in a community sample. Educational Gerontology, 39, 729-740.
Houman, K., & Stapley, J. C. (2013) The college experience for students with chronic illness: Implications for academic advising. NACADA Journal, 33,61-70.
Gissubel, K., & Stapley, J. C. (2012, December) Developmental insights to enhance communication with students. Academic Advising Today
Stapley, J. C. (2009). Gender differences in messages of children’s birthday cards: Socialization of agency and emotion. In K. Weekes (ed.) Privilege and Prejudice: Twenty Years with the Invisible Knapsack. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK : Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Presentations / Invited Talks
Stapley, J. C., & Gissubel, K. (2020, April). Advising to promote student success: Consistent data from Portugal and the US. Paper presentation accepted for the Annual Meeting of Region 2, NACADA, Norfolk, Virginia,Cancelled due to Pandemic.
Stapley, J. C., Van Volkom, M., & Palafox, J. (2020, March). The effect of professor gender on student evaluations of professors. Poster session at the Virtual Annual Meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, Boston, Mass.
Stapley, J. C. (2019, October). Understanding emotions in the critical adolescent years. Invited talk for New Jersey Council for the Social Studies., Piscataway, NJ.
Stapley, J. C., Moderator and Panel Organizer, Kalieta, V., & Singletary-Eskridge, C. J. (2019, June). A Psychological Lens on Inequalities in the Workplace and Sports. Presented at Unveiling Inequality & Gender-Based Violence: A Global Public Policy Symposium, West Long Branch, NJ.
Stapley, J. C., Van Volkom, M., & Miceli, K. (2019, March). Predictors of volunteering among college students: Gender and desire for skill attainment. Poster session presented at the Annual Meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, New York, NY.
Miceli, K., Stapley, J. C., & Van Volkom, M. (2018, March). Predictors of volunteering among college Students. Poster session presented at the Annual Meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, Philadelphia, PA.
Stapley, J. C. & Kalieta, V. (2017, July). Emerging Adulthood Theory and Attitudes toward Concussion among Female Collegiate athletes. Poster presented at the International Conference on Sport and Society, London, England.
Stapley, J. C & Bieber, T. (2017, June). Advising student athletes: It takes a village. Presented at the NJ State NACADA Conference, Montclair, NJ.
Stapley, J. C. (2016, October). College Student Bereavement: What Advisors Need to Know. Presented at NACADA National Conference, Atlanta, Georgia.
Stapley, J. C. (2016, March). The demise of in person academic advising is nowhere in sight. Paper presented at the NACADA region 2 conference, Hyattsville, Maryland.
Stapley, J. C. (2016, March). Bereavement among college students. Invited Keynote speaker for the Annual Faculty Advisor Training for Monmouth University Faculty
Stapley, J. C. (2015, September). Industrial organizational psychology as a platform for students’ career development. Paper presented at the Atlantic Coast Teaching of Psychology Conference, Red Bank, New Jersey.
Stapley, J. C., & Morecraft, J.* (2015, May). Sex differences in death anxiety and grieving among emerging adults. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Psychological Science, New York, NY.
Stapley, J. C. (2015, March). The demise of in person academic advising is nowhere in sight. Invited Keynote speaker for the Annual Faculty Advisor Training for Monmouth University.
Stapley, J. C. & Bothner, K. E. (2015, March). Academic advising: The key to increasing retention among students with anxiety disorders. Poster presented at the NACADA Region 2 conference, Richmond, Virginia
Taylor, C., & Stapley, J. C. (2014, October). Academic Advising for Student-Athletes in the Middle Years. Talk presented at the NACADA Eastern PA Conference, Philadelphia, PA.
Stapley, J. C., Houman, K., & Noonan, J. (2014, April). Counseling emerging adults with chronic illnesses. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the NJ Counseling Association.
Noonan, J.*, Stapley, J. C., & Gissubel, K. (2013, September). AP Psychology experiences and college success. Paper presented at the Atlantic Coast Teaching of Psychology Conference in Red Bank, NJ.
Stapley, J. C. (2013, April). Moderated a session “Gender and Society” at the NJ Women’s and Gender Study Consortium’s 10th Annual Undergraduate Research Colloquium, Trenton, NJ.
Popular Media Artifacts
Janice Stapley, (2018, September 5) Female Student Athletes and Concussions. National Public Radio, Produced by WAMC, Albany, NY.
Amanda Oglesby, Asbury Park Press, (Jan. 11, 2018). “Raising better boys:4 tips for parents in the age of #MeToo.Article based on an interview with Janice C. Stapley, Monmouth University.
Professional Associations
- Society for the Study of Emerging Adulthood
- National Academic Advising Association (NACADA)
- Jersey Shore Association for Human Resources (JSAHR)
2015 NCAA Mind Matters Challenge Phase 1 winner for “An interdisciplinary mixed-methods examination of student-athletes’ beliefs, attitudes, and feelings about safety practices and concussion protocol.” 10 of the 22 finalists will be awarded $400,000 in after Phase two competition is completed in Feb. 2016 2014 NACADA Research Grant ($2000) for “An examination of Academic Advice seeking within an Emerging Adulthood Framework.”