Jaime L. Myers, Ph.D., MPH
- Associate Professor
Department: Health and Physical Education
Office: Robert E. McAllan Hall 231
Phone: 732-923-4675
Email: jmyers@monmouth.edu
Jaime L. Myers, Ph.D., blends her graduate degrees in public health with her undergraduate training in psychology and sociology in teaching and research. Bringing enthusiasm to the classroom, Myers seeks to prepare students with skills that will be used for a lifetime, including searching for credible health information, critically evaluating health findings, and communicating health information to others in understandable ways. Her commitment to undergraduate research is evident in her deep involvement with the Honors School and Student Scholarship Week, mentorship of undergraduate theses, and the inclusion of undergraduate students in her research.
Myers’ research has largely focused on the psychosocial determinants of sexual and reproductive health using both quantitative and qualitative methods.
Past research topics have included:
- genital herpes disclosure
- determinants of STI testing among young women
- dual birth control use among college students
- online dating violence among older women
- HPV vaccination rates among adolescent females
- protective factors used by Greek life members when drinking
- measuring rape myth adherence
Currently Myers is investigating the implementation of pharmacist prescribed birth control legislation in New Jersey with the Monmouth Polling Institute.
Ph.D., University of South Florida
MPH, Emory University
B.A., Emory University
Scholarly Articles
* Indicates undergraduate student researcher
^ Indicates graduate student researcher
Canan, S., Cozzolino, L.^, Myers, J., &Jozkowski, K. N. (2023). Does gender-inclusive language affect psychometric properties of the Illinois Rape Myth Acceptance Scale-short form? A two-sample validation study. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 38(3-4), 3373-3394. https://doi.org/10.1177/08862605221106144
Myers, J. L., & Sasso, P. (2022). Differences in informal alcohol protective behavior strategies between fraternity & sorority members. Oracle: The Research Journal of the Association of Fraternity/Sorority Advisors, 16(22), 17-36. https://doi.org/10.25774/cwvq-3m57
Myers, J. L. (2020). Genital herpes disclosure timing: The role of romantic and sexual relationship milestones. Sexuality & Culture, 24, 563–572. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12119-019-09649-9
Drewson, S. R, Myers, J., Hodges, M.*, Haines, P.*, & Green, S.* (2019). Impacts of heart rate monitors on university physical activity courses [Abstract]. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 90(sup1), A-70. doi: 10.1080/02701367.2019.1603010
Myers, J. (2017).Three women’s intimate reflections on shame and sex positivity: Inside Her Sex. Women’s Reproductive Health, 4(1), 74-75. https://doi.org/10.1080/23293691.2016.1237741
VandeWeerd, C., Myers, J., Yalcin, A., Coulter, M., & Corvin, J. (2016). Positives and negatives of online dating according to women 50+. Journal of Women and Aging, 28(3), 259-270. https://doi.org/10.1080/08952841.2015.1137435
Myers, J., Buhi, E., Marhefka, S., Daley, E., & Dedrick, R. (2016). Associations between individual and relationship characteristics and genital herpes disclosure. Journal of Health Psychology, 21(10), 2283-2293. https://doi.org/10.1177/1359105315575039
Hirschler, C., Hope, A., & Myers, J. (2015). College students’ perceptions of and experiences with human papillomavirus and herpes: Implications for college sexual health education. American Journal of Sexuality Education, 10(4), 298-315. https://doi.org/10.1080/15546128.2015.1091760
VandeWeerd, C., Corvin, J., Coulter, M., Perkins, E., Telford, R., Yalcin, A., Myers, J., & Yegidis, B. (2014). A preliminary investigation of risks for adverse outcomes of relationship seeking on social network sites (SNS): A descriptive study of women over 50 seeking relationships on MySpace in Hillsborough County, Florida. Journal of Women and Aging, 26(2), 127-145. https://doi.org/10.1080/08952841.2014.884897
Salihu, H., Myers, J., & August, E. (2012). Pregnancy in the workplace. Occupational Medicine, 62, 88-97. https://doi.org/10.1093/occmed/kqr198
Myers, J. (2012). “Yeah, we hooked-up.” – And what exactly does that mean? Journal of Sex Research, 49(2-3), 301-303. doi: 10.1080/00224499.2011.633000 https://www.jstor.org/stable/23249154
Myers, J. (2011). Why do young women get tested for sexually transmitted infections? Evidence from the National Survey of Adolescent Health. Journal of Women’s Health, 20, 1225 -1231. https://doi.org/10.1089/jwh.2010.2544
Trudnak, T., Burton, D., Myers, J., Stowe, C., & Drake, J. (2009). Science vs. ideology: The role of public health in bridging the gap. Umwelt und Gesundheit Online, 2, 36-42.
Media Interviews
Bauter, E. (Host). (2024, March 7). EMS Epidemiology. In The Overrun. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fFeXds70rT4
Bartz, A.(2015, December). Are we too afraid of herpes? Cosmopolitan, 259(6), 122-123.
Presentations/Invited Talks
* Indicates undergraduate student researcher
^ Indicates graduate student researcher
Oral Presentations
Myers, J. (April 2019). Genital herpes disclosure: Integrating research results into the sex ed curriculum. 2019 National Sex Education Conference. Newark, NJ.
Myers, J., & Sasso, P. (November 2017). Informal alcohol risk reduction strategies among Greek life members: Implications for health education programming. 145th Annual Meeting and Exposition of the American Public Health Association. Atlanta, GA.
Myers, J. (November 2017). Genital herpes disclosure reactions: Findings from individuals who were disclosed to. 2017 Society for Scientific Study of Sexuality’s Annual Meeting. Atlanta, GA.
Myers, J., & Buhi, E. (November 2015). Partner reactions to genital herpes disclosure, rejection, and implications for future intentions to disclose: Preliminary findings. The 2015 Society for Scientific Study of Sexuality’s Annual Meeting. Albuquerque, NM.
Myers, J., & Buhi, E. (November 2015). Genital herpes disclosure timing: The role of romantic and sexual milestones. The 2015 Society for Scientific Study of Sexuality’s Annual Meeting. Albuquerque, NM.
Myers, J., & Buhi, E. (November 2014). Using electronic surveys for graduate research when SEX is in the title: Sample demographics and distribution implications. The 2014 Society for Scientific Study of Sexuality’s Annual Meeting. Omaha, NE.
Myers, J., & Buhi, E. (November 2014). Genital herpes disclosure: Reasons people do and do not tell sex partners. The 2014 Society for Scientific Study of Sexuality’s Annual Meeting. Omaha, NE.
Myers, J., VandeWeerd, C., Corvin, J., & Coulter, M. (November 2013). Searching for Mr. Right: Mate and relationship preferences of older women who date online. The 2013 Society for Scientific Study of Sexuality’s Annual Meeting. San Diego, CA.
Myers, J., VandeWeerd, C., Corvin, J., & Coulter, M. (November 2013). Is E-dating for me?: Risks and benefits of online dating according to women 50+. The 2013 Society for Scientific Study of Sexuality’s Annual Meeting. San Diego, CA.
VandeWeerd, C., Corvin, J., Coulter, M., Yalcin, A., Perkins, E, Myers, J., & Ivory, M. (November 2013). Risk reduction in online dating: Translating research to practice. 141st Annual Meeting and Exposition of the American Public Health Association. Boston, MA.
Myers, J., VandeWeerd, C., Coulter, M., & Corvin, J. (November 2012). What women want: Mate preferences of women 50+ who seek relationships online. Annual Meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality. Tampa, FL.
Myers, J., VandeWeerd, C., Coulter, M., Corvin, J., Perkins, E., Yalcin, A., & Yegidis, B. (November 2012). E-dating over 50: A content analysis of older women’s profiles who look for relationships online. Annual Meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality. Tampa, FL.
Myers, J. & Kirby, R. (November 2010). HPV vaccine uptake and completion: An analysis of data from the 2007 National Survey of Children’s Health. 137th Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association. Denver, CO.
Myers, J. (November 2009). Contraceptive use among university females: A focus on dual contraception. 136th Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association. Philadelphia, PA.
Trudnak, T., Burton, D., Myers, J., Stowe, C., & Drake, J. (May 2009). Science vs. ideology: The role of public health in bridging the gap. International Health Education 11th Health Education and Injury Prevention Partnership Course and Field Conference. Cologne, Germany.
Panel Presentations
VandeWeerd, C., Coulter, M., Corvin, J., Myers, J., Perkins, E.A., Yalcin, A., & Yegidis, B. (November 2012). Looking for love in cyber space: Online profiles and risks for women 50+ seeking relationships on MySpace. 65th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America. San Diego, CA.
Poster Presentations
Sasso, P., & Myers, J. (January 2022). Differences in informal alcohol protective behavior strategies between fraternity & sorority members.NASPA Strategies Conferences. Boston, MA.
Myers, J., & Hasan, A*. (November 2019). Alcohol risk reduction as sexual assault risk reduction: Informal policies utilized by Greek communities to keep members and guests safe when alcohol is present. Society for Scientific Study of Sexuality’s Annual Meeting. Denver, CO.
Myers, J., Hasan, A.*, & Sasso, P. (November 2019). Structural forces and Greek member alcohol use: How place, policy, and event type influence alcohol risk reduction strategies. American Public Health Association annual meeting. Philadelphia, PA.
Canan, S. N., Cozzolino, L.*, Myers, J., & Jozkowski, K. N. (July 2019). Does gender-neutral language affect psychometric properties of the Illinois Rape Myth Acceptance Scale-Short Form? A two-sample validation study. 45th Annual Meeting of the International Academy of Sex Research. Mexico City, Mexico.
Drewson, S. R., Myers, J., Hodges, M.*, Haines, P.*, & Green, S*. (April 2019). Impacts of heart rate monitors in university physical activity courses. 2019 SHAPE America Annual Meeting. Tampa, FL.
Myers, J. (November 2017). Genital herpes disclosure timing: Findings from individuals who were disclosed to. 2017 Society for Scientific Study of Sexuality’s Annual Meeting. Atlanta, GA.
Myers, J., & Buhi, E. (October 2016). When do people tell their sexual partner they have herpes?: Disclosure timing in the context romantic and relationship milestones. 144th Annual Meeting and Exposition of the American Public Health Association. Denver, CO.
VandeWeerd, C., Goodlett, D., Myers, J., Corvin, J., Coulter, M., Perkins, E., Yegidis, B., & Yalcin, A. (November 2014). Language of sexual aggression online: Implications for future intimate partner violence research among older adult women. 142nd Annual Meeting and Exposition of the American Public Health Association. New Orleans, LA.
VandeWeerd, C., Corvin, J., Coulter, M., Perkins, E. Yalcin, A., Yegidis, B., & Myers, J. (November 2013).The language of verbal aggression: Rudeness, anger, and unwanted sexual aggression in online dating. 66th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America. New Orleans, LA.
Corvin, J., VandeWeerd, C., Coulter, M., Myers, J., Yalcin, A., Lent, K., Perkins, E., Yegidis, B., & Rodriguez, M. (November 2013). Dating risks in 21st century: Perceptions of women 50+ dating online. 141st Annual Meeting and Exposition of the American Public Health Association. Boston, MA.
Myers, J., VandeWeerd, C., Coulter, M., Corvin, J., Perkins, E., Yalcin, A., Yegidis, B., & Rodriguez, M. (February 2013). Just part of the game: Normalization of adverse online dating experiences among older women. 23rd Annual USF Health Research Day. Tampa, FL.
Ivory, M., VandeWeerd, C., Coulter, M., Corvin, J., Perkins, E., Yalcin, A., Yegidis, B., & Myers, J. (February 2013). “About Me”: A content analysis of older women’s online vulnerability. 23rd Annual USF Health Research Day. Tampa, FL.
VandeWeerd, C., Corvin, J., Coulter, M., Perkins, E., Yalcin, A., Yegidis, B., Myers, J., Ivory, M., Kennedy, M., & Rodriguez, M. (October 2012). Seeking relationships online: Older women’s lived experiences. 140th Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association. San Francisco, CA.
Ivory, M., Myers, J., VandeWeerd, C., Coulter, M., & Corvin, J. (April 2012). Assessing the vulnerability of older women on social networking sites. USF Graduate Research Symposium. Tampa, FL.
Myers, J., VandeWeerd, C., Corvin, J., Coutler, M., & Telford, R. (February 2012). Online dating among older women: An exploratory study of the risks and benefits associated with online relationship seeking. 22nd Annual USF Health Research Day. Tampa, FL.
Myers, J. (October 2010). Why do women get tested for sexually transmitted diseases?: Evidence from Add Health. USF Graduate Student Research Symposium. Tampa, FL.
Myers, J. and Kirby, R. (February 2010). HPV vaccine uptake and completion: An analysis of data from the 2007 National Survey of Children’s Health. USF Health Research Day. Tampa, FL.
Myers, J. (October 2009). Is the pill still preferred?: Patterns of contraceptive use among female university students. USF Graduate Student Research Symposium. Tampa, FL.
Professional Associations
Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality
American Public Health Association