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Photo of David E. Payne, Ph.D.

David E. Payne, Ph.D.

  • Professor Emeritus

Department: Psychology

Office: James and Marlene Howard Hall 102

Phone: 732-571-3680


Professor Payne brought experience to MU from faculty service in Germany, Illinois, and Pennsylvania.  He enjoys teaching how ingenious methods can reveal profound truths about the mind and behavior.  Current research projects involve paradoxical effects of familiarity on learning, and a controversy about classical statistics.


Ph.D., Columbia University

M.A., Columbia University

B.A., University of Mississippi

Research Interests

 Attention and learning, both in nonhuman species and in people


Wilhite, S. C., & Payne, D. E. (1992). Learning and memory: The basis of behavior. Boston: Allyn and Bacon.

Scholarly Articles

Savage, P. A., Kemp, D. G., & Payne, D. E. (1991): Auditory versus visual presentation of help messages. In Proceedings of the Human Factors Society 35th Annual Meeting, pp. 244-248.Balsam, P. D., & Payne, D.  (1979).  Intertrial interval and unconditional stimulus durations in autoshaping.  Learning & Behavior, 7, 477 – 482.

Professional Associations

Association for Psychological Science
Eastern Psychological Association
Sigma Xi — The National Research Society