Daniela Rosca, Ph.D.
- Associate Professor Emerita
Department: Computer Science and Software Engineering
Phone: 732-571-4459
Email: drosca@monmouth.edu
Daniela Rosca, Ph.D., served Monmouth University from 1998 to 2024, teaching courses in requirements engineering, object-oriented analysis and design, software process, principles of software engineering, programming languages, data structures and algorithms, and database management systems. She has seven years of R&D experience in operating systems, computer aided design, and artificial intelligence. She has served as the program director for the Masters in Software Engineering program from 2008-2016. Rosca was responsible for the software engineering capstone projects for 16 years, coordinating the interaction between the external clients and the student teams. Since 2018, Rosca has served as the chair of the Computer Science and Software Engineering department, overseeing multiple major curriculum revisions and the development of the new Masters of Science in Data Science program.
Rosca has published numerous refereed papers in prominent journals, books and international conferences. She has served as program committee member, session organizer, or reviewer for several international conferences and workshops. Rosca is now associate professor emerita.
Ph.D., Computer Science, Old Dominion University
M.S., Computer Engineering, Polytechnic University of Bucharest
Research Interests
Requirements engineering, business rules, workflows management systems, decision support systems, software process modeling, data science.
D. Rosca,W. Tepfenhart,J. Wang, A. Milewski – “Continuous Curriculum Restructuring in a Graduate Software Engineering Program,” book chapter, Software Engineering – Effective Teaching and Learning Approaches and Practices, H.Ellis et. al editors, Information Science Reference, 2008.
Scholarly Articles
D. Rosca, “Acquiring Professional Software Engineering Skills through Studio-based Learning,” ITHET International Conference, IEEE xPlore, Olhao, Portugal, 2018
D. Rosca and V. Tadikonda, “Informed and Timely Business Decisions – A Data-driven Approach,” SEKE International Conference (29% acceptance rate), pp. 24-30, San Francisco, 2016.
D. Rosca and J. Kostiou, “Video Games to Motivate a Multi-Disciplinary Capstone Experience,” Proceedings of the Frontiers in Education in CS and CE Conference, Las Vegas, 2015. (peer reviewed, 25% acceptance rate)
D. Lee, A. Milewski, and D. Rosca, “A Dependency-Sharing Tool for Global Software Engineering,” Human Computer Interaction-International Conference, Las Vegas, NV, July, 2013.
M. Tarullo, D. Rosca, J. Wang and W. Tepfenhart, “WIFAi – A Tool Suite For The Modeling And Enactment Of Inter-organizational Workflows,” Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Service Operations, Logistics and Informatics, Chicago, July 22-24, pp. 764-769, 2009.
W. Tepfenhart, J. Wang, and D. Rosca, “Agent Based Emergency Response Workflow Management,” Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Service Operations, Logistics and Informatics, Chicago, July 22-24, pp. 140-146, 2009.
J. Wang, W. Tepfenhart and D. Rosca, “Emergency Response Workflow Resource Requirements Modeling and Analysis,”IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Part C, vol. 39, no. 3, pp 270-283, 2009.
J. Wang, D. Rosca, W. Tepfenhart, A. Milewski and M. Stoute, “Dynamic workflow modeling and analysis in incident command systems,” IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Part A, vol. 38, no. 5, pp 1041-1055, 2008.
W. Tepfenhart, J. Wang, D. Rosca, and A. Tsai, “Resource-constrained and decision support workflow modeling,” International Journal on Intelligent Control and Systems, vol. 12, no. 1, 2007.
J. Wang, W. Tepfenhart, D. Rosca, and A. Tsai, “Resource-constrained workflow modeling,” Proceedings of IEEE & IFIP International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Software Engineering (TASE’07), Shanghai, China, June 6-8, 2007.
D. Rosca and J. Wang, “Inter-organizational workflow modeling and analysis of incident command systems,” Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Networking, Sensing and Control (ICNSC’07), London, April 15-18, 2007.
Jiacun Wang, Daniela Rosca, “Dynamic Workflow Modeling and Verification,” International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE’06) (17% acceptance rate), Springer Verlag, Luxemburg, 2006.
Jiacun Wang, Daniela Rosca,William Tepfenhart, Allen Milewski, “Incident Command System Workflow Modeling and Analysis: A Case Study,” Third International Meeting of Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (ISCRAM’06), Newark, NJ, 2006.
Annie Tsai, Jiacun Wang, William Tepfenhart, Daniela Rosca, “EPC Workflow Model to WIFA Model Conversion,” IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Taipei, 2006.
Michael Stoute, Jiacun Wang, Daniela Rosca, William Tepfenhart, Allen Milewski, “Workflow Management Tool Support for an Incident Command System,” IEEE International Conference On Networking, Sensing and Control (ICNSC’06), IEEE Computer Society, FT. Lauderdale, FL, 2006.
Jiacun Wang, Daniela Rosca, William Tepfenhart, Allen Milewski, Michael Stoute, “An Intuitive Formal Approach to Dynamic Workflow Modeling and Analysis,” Business Process Reengineering International Conference (BPM 2005) (13% acceptance rate), Springer Verlag, pp. 137-152, Nancy, France, 2005.
Daniela Rosca, “Multidisciplinary and Active/Collaborative Approaches in Teaching Requirements Engineering,” European Journal of Engineering Education, Taylor & Francis Publishers, vol. 30, No. 1, pp. 121-128, 2005.
Daniela Rosca, Joanna Li, “Impact of the Evolution of Business Rules on Inter-organizational Workflows,” International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2004), Porto, Portugal, 2004.
Daniela Rosca, William Tepfenhart, James McDonald, “Necessary Metamorphoses of a Software Engineering Program,” International Journal of Engineering Education, Tempus Publications, vol.20, No. 2, pp. 1-10, 2004.
Daniela Rosca, “Developing Teamwork and Communication Skills in a Multidisciplinary Experiment,” Frontiers in Education International Conference (FIE 2003), pp. S4C-14-17, Denver, Colorado, IEEE Computer Society,2003.
Daniela Rosca, William Tepfenhart, James McDonald, “Software Engineering Education: Following a Moving Target,” International Conference on Software Engineering Education and Training (CSEE&T 2003), pp. 129-139, Madrid, Spain. (55% acceptance rate), IEEE Computer Society. An extended and revised version of this paper was published in The International Journal of Engineering Education, Tempus Publications.
William Tepfenhart, Daniela Rosca, Daniel Woolley, “A Product Focused, Layered Software Development Framework,” TheSoftware Engineering and Knowledge Engineering International Conference (SEKE 2002), pp. 473-477, Ischia, Italy.
Daniela Rosca, Chris Wild, “Towards a Flexible Deployment of Business Rules,” Expert System with Applications International Journal, Elsevier Science, vol.23, issue 4, pp.385-394, 2002.
Daniela Rosca, Sol Greenspan, Chris Wild, “Enterprise Modeling and Decision- Support for Automating the Business Rules Lifecycle,” Automated Software Engineering International Journal, Kluwer Academic Publishers, vol.9, pp. 361-404, 2002, (10% acceptance rate).
Daniela Rosca, Chris Wild, “Towards a Flexible Deployment of Business Rules,” TheSoftware Engineering and Knowledge Engineering International Conference, (SEKE 2001), pp. 128-136, Buenos Aires, Argentina (53% acceptance rate). Selected as one of the best papers in the conference. An extended and revised version of this paper was published in the Expert System with Applications International Journal, Elsevier Science.
Daniela Rosca, John D’Atillio, “ Interoperability of Distributed Systems through XML-encoded Business Rules,” XML Technologies and Software Engineering Workshop (XSE 2001), in conjunction with the International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2001), Toronto, Canada, pp. 56-60.
Daniela Rosca, John D’Atillio, “Business Rules Specification and Evolution for Distributed Environments,” International Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC 2001), Chicago, IL.
Daniela Rosca, Chao-Ying Li, Kimberly Moore, Mark Stephan, Steven Weiner, “PSP-EAT – Enhancing a Personal Software Process Course,” Frontiers in Education International Conference (FIE 2001), Reno, Nevada, pp. T2D18.
Daniela Rosca, “An Active/Collaborative Approach in Teaching Requirements Engineering,” Frontiers in Education International Conference (FIE 2000), Kansas City, MO, pp. T2C9-12.
Daniela Rosca, “Making PSP more Alluring,” 1999 Spring Regional conference of the Middle Atlantic Section of ASEE, Monmouth University, West Long Branch, NJ.
Daniela Rosca, Sol Greenspan, Mark Feblowitz, Chris Wild, “A Decision Support Methodology for the Business Rules Lifecycle,” The International Symposium on Requirements Engineering (RE’97), Annapolis, MD, pp. 236-246, 27% acceptance rate.
Daniela Rosca, Chris Wild, “Business Rules in the Real World: A Decision Support Approach,” The Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering Conference (SEKE’96), Lake Tahoe, NE, 53% acceptance rate.
Daniela Rosca, S. Greenspan, Chris Wild, H. Reubenstein, K. Maly, M. Feblowitz, “Application of a Decision Support Mechanism to the Business Rules Lifecycle,” The Knowledge-Based Software Engineering Conference (KBSE’95), Boston, M.A., pp.114-121, 41% acceptance rate.
Chris Wild, Daniela Rosca, “Evolution and Reuse of Formal Specifications Using Decision Structures,” The 9th Knowledge-Based Software Engineering Conference (KBSE’94), Monterey, CA, pp. 108-115.
Presentations/Invited Talks
Invited Talk on conceptual modeling at MITRE Corp., Eatontown, NJ.
Knowledge repository research presentation at the Lakehurst Navy Airforce Center, NJ.
Frontiers in Education in CS and CE Conference, FECS 2015, Las Vegas, 2015.
“There’s more to It than Programming,” workshop at the NJEA NJ Teacher’s Convention, 2009
Invited Talk “Modeling and Enacting Inter-Organizational Workflows,” Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Nanjing, China, June, 2007.
“An Intuitive, Formal Approach to Dynamic Workflow Modeling and Analysis,” Homeland Security Workshop, Monmouth University, May, 2005
“Impact of the Evolution of Business Rules on Inter-organizational Workflows,” International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS’04), Porto, Portugal.
“Developing Teamwork and Communication Skills in a Multidisciplinary Experiment,” Frontiers in Education Conference, (FIE03), Denver, CO.
“Software Engineering Education: Following a Moving Target,” International Conference on Software Engineering Education and Training (CSEE&T 2003), Madrid, Spain.
“Towards a Flexible Deployment of Business Rules,” The Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering International Conference(SEKE 2001), Buenos Aires, Argentina.
“Interoperability of Distributed Systems through XML-encoded Business Rules,” XML Technologies and Software Engineering Workshop (XSE 2001), Toronto, Canada.
“An Active/Collaborative Approach in Teaching Requirements Engineering”, Frontiers in Education International Conference (FIE 2000), Kansas, MO.
Professional Associations
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE)
Women in Engineering Proactive Network (WEPAN)
2018 – MYXR – First Place at Monmouth University TechPitch: Event Organizer App. Students: Craig Holbrook, Agbai Iroha, Peter Natoli, Matthew Drew
2017 – First Place of Dean’s Award of Excellence in Undergraduate Research in the Integrative Research section: “Student Campus Location Tracker”. Students: Alex Kaczynski, Grady Jenkins, Kevin Meehl, Tejal Deshpande
2016 – Best Paper Award at SEKE 2016 Conference
2016 – First Place of Dean’s Award of Excellence in Undergraduate Research in the Integrative Research section: “FEED – a web application for the gathering, organizing, and displaying of interests and ideas.” Students: Justin Schlemm, Mary Menges, Taylor Koldowski, AJ. Al-Kandari
2015 – Second Place of Dean’s Award of Excellence in Undergraduate Research in the Integrative Research section: “Battlemind, a video game for PTSD awareness.” Students: Jessica Kostiou, Cortney Locke, Alex Kristensen. Advisor: Prof. Rosca
2014 – First Place of Dean’s Award of Excellence in Undergraduate Research in the Integrative Research section: “A Course Registration System.” Students: D. Aviles, N. Helmstetter, M. Marino, J. Vernon. Advisor: Prof. Rosca.
2007 – First Place at the 2007 International Association of Emergency Manager’s: “Technology & Innovation Award (Division 2, State/Regional National Government, International, or Non-Profit Organization), together with the MU/CRRDS team.
2001 – Best Paper Award at SEKE’01 Conference
NASA Doctoral Fellowship (1992-1997)