During a recent sabbatical, Moscaliuc published an article on cultural appropriations of “Gypsyness” in Critical Romani Studies and a second book of translations, Liliana Ursu’s Star and Clay (Etruscan Press). During residency fellowships at the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts and the MacDowell Colony, she completed her third poetry collection, Cemetery Ink, forthcoming from the University of Pittsburgh Press in 2021. The poems celebrate goats, black swans, centipedes, wandering wombs, succulent cherries, dismembered dolls, deep-fried brains, ink mushrooms, and people whose uprooted lives wed beauty to disaster.

She also co-edited, with Michael Waters, an anthology of poems, Border Lines: Poems of Migration (Knopf/Penguin Random House, 2020). Born out of a sense of necessity and as a response to current debates on immigration, the anthology brings together more than a hundred poets representing more than 60 nationalities.

With Poet Laureate of New York State Alicia Ostriker and translator Tess O’Dwyer, Moscaliuc also started curating “The New Colossus Translation Project,” which aims to render Emma Lazarus’s famous 1883 sonnet in as many languages as possible, and is hosted by the American Jewish Historical Society. As guest blogger for Best American Poetry, she wrote on the role of poetry in times of oppression and included tributes to American poet Gerald Stern and the late Nicaraguan poet Ernesto Cardenal. She was also poetry guest editor for the Spring/Summer 2020 issue of Epiphany, which focuses on Borders, and since January has been translation editor for the literary journal Plume.