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A Modern Music and Arts Education

Bachelor of Arts in Music

Launch an exciting career in the music field with Monmouth University’s B.A. in Music. The program includes concentrations in music industry, music education, and music performance.

The program includes practical coursework relating to their specific careers. A capstone experiential education (internship or practice teaching) element provides a carefully selected real-life and vital experience that will equip you for entry into a wide range of career fields. The music industry track offers coursework and experiences in publishing, marketing, talent acquisition, concert production, media relations, and merchandising. Music education and music performance specialties encompass private study in voice or an instrument that culminates in a senior recital.

Performance experience is a key ingredient at Monmouth University and includes participation in a wide variety of ensembles such as chamber orchestra, concert choir, chamber choir, Jazz Hawks, Pep Band, Monster Band Rock Ensemble, and student-organized glee clubs and bands. Each perform in a number of venues on and off campus in what culminates as an extremely active performance life for the department. One key element is theatre and dance performance opportunities.

Another important and unique initiative of the Department is the Blue Hawks Record Label that has just celebrated its eleventh album release. The student-run-faculty-guided record label offers real-life experience in every phase of producing and album from inception to marketing. It is truly a jewel in the Music and Theatre Arts Department crown.

Visit this link for more information on Monmouth’s Music programs.