Readers have their say.
Re: Summer 2019

I loved the issue, especially the “Day at the Beach” photo of Belmar Beach. This was my beach and always will be. My family and I lived on E Street for 14 years—actually on the hallowed grounds of Bruce Springsteen. Our house was a subdivision of David Sancious’ family’s property, which also held the garage where the band practiced. I once met Clarence, who told me, “Your house was blessed.” My husband, Jerry, and I are retired schoolteachers. Five years ago, we moved to New Orleans; Jerry is a jazz trumpet player, and this is where he belongs. But what great memories that photo brought back.
Susan (Shincarick) Pashin ’70
I was a student when Dr. King spoke at Monmouth (“Exhibit honors MLK’s visit to Monmouth”). At the time, I was surprised he would speak at a small liberal arts college, but it’s a day I never will forget. I’ve told my daughter and grandson about his speech. Thank you, Monmouth, for making that happen.
Leslie (Stern) Castellucci ’68
Sage Advice
Editor’s note: Readers responded in droves to our question about the advice they would share with their college self.
As a 26-year-old freshman in 1956, my perspective would be quite different, I think, from that of an 18- or 19-year-old recent high school graduate. I was a Korean War vet too!
My advice to myself: All issues seem trite except for two. 1) Total Nuclear Disarmament. 2) Global Warming Elimination. They concern the existence of every living creature on the planet. Work in any way you can to further the causes of both. Personal advice: 1) Make as many lifelong friends as possible. 2) Eat wisely. 3) Keep physically fit. 4) Read as much and as often as possible. 5) Live your passions. 6) Don’t limit your goals. 6) Laugh a lot.
P.S. Note to myself: Democracy and freedom are not guaranteed, so be knowledgeable about issues and be proactive.

Arthur Katz ’60
I have six words of advice that are carved in stone—literally. If you follow the path behind Wilson Hall, you’ll come across a brick with my name on it that reads, “Pay Attention. Someday You’ll Be Tested.” Taken at face value, the message simply means listen in class and pass your exams. The broader intent extends much further. Pay attention to everything you encounter. Keep your eyes and ears open at all times. Get outside yourself. See the bigger picture. You’ll be surprised how much you can absorb in a single day. Inevitably, life is going to challenge you in ways you never expected and for which there is never enough preparation. That’s when you’ll need to draw upon not just your education and experience, but all the emotional strength, fortitude, integrity, moral fiber, and stamina you can muster.
Arnold Simon ’72
Don’t resist change. As the cliché goes: The things that scare you and challenge you the most are the things you’ll grow from the most. Don’t be a stubborn and nonreceptive student. Listen to what professors have to say when they try to get you to learn or try new things they think you’re apt to succeed in. While it is important to excel and be involved in the things you already know and excel at, it is also important, especially in college, to experience studies you’ve never had contact with before. Whether it be anthropology, sociology, or, in my case, computer science, take advantage of the opportunities you have to delve into a world of unknown. It could literally change your life.
Lauren Niesz ’17, ’19M
If you’re not from Monmouth County, give the locals all the waves they want. Then watch and learn.
Ryan Gallagher ’17
Don’t take one minute for granted.
@runninggirlkait via Instagram
Relationships are essential. Form them with professionals, students, and staff.
@sajorees via Instagram
You will learn so much more from your peers/profs than just textbook lessons!
@allynorjema via Instagram
Do more interdisciplinary classes. Learn more in new areas. You never know what you’ll love J
@jenvanalsyne via Instagram
Challenge yourself! Join a club/activities. Take electives outside your major! Soar!
@harmony_bailey via Instagram
Stop being afraid to ask for help!!!!
@the_nadale_buntin via Instagram
Work hard. Ask for help. Most importantly have fun.
@mikesurgent via Instagram
Make friends wherever, whenever you can!
@marissaciancitto via Instagram
Try something out of your comfort zone. U never know how many new doors of opportunities will open.
@henna.glam via Instagram
Be open to new beginnings! It’s the start of a new you!
@kthame via Instagram
Get involved. Monmouth offers so many great opportunities for careers and adventure!
@motherofhounds_ via Instagram
You got this! (heart)
@christygreening via Instagram
Take advantage of the workout facilities and don’t be afraid to learn a new language! Take some unique classes outside of your major for fun!
@missheartcore via Instagram
Stay focused and humble 100
@_1k.mas via Instagram
Join the Debate Team!!
@sabbsaengg via Instagram
There are MORE opportunities than what meets the eye. Look/ask/work for them!
@jalcanela via Instagram
Explore the unknown and to look at everyone for who they are on the inside.
@_davidfasalino via Instagram
Everything will fall into place. Do the best you can and everything will work itself out.
@michaelbrech80 via Instagram
Spend as much time as you can on campus. Time flies and your memories will last forever!
@alex_hartelust via Instagram
Campus is bursting with inspiration. Keep your head up so you can look out for opps!
@almostfamous09 via Instagram
Take advantage of all opportunities and bask in the campus’ beauty.
@lolascorpion via Instagram
Relax, enjoy your time, it all gets done. Go have some fun!
@lindsay_ruth29 via Instagram
Work hard, make friends and enjoy the beach!
@jellybellyspinelli via Instagram
Never let anybody get in the way of your goals and strive to be the best you that you can be.
@kenz1678 via Instagram
Go outside of your comfort zone & enjoy your time.
@taylorpolito via Instagram
Spend those declining dollars wisely!
@_powell24 via Instagram
Utilize all of the MU resources and don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone!
@natalietoro via Instagram
Get involved! Try everything one! Get involved as a freshman. Don’t wait!
@kbarry430 via Instagram
Be bold. Push yourself. Remind yourself that you’re worthy of anything!
@alygirl9793 via Instagram
Stop stressing and enjoy your time there! MU is beautiful!
@msrouj826 via Instagram
Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there and make friends. You will thank yourself later!
@exquisitely_emily via Instagram
Follow your instincts! Get involved and step out of your comfort zone!
@marissalasala via Instagram
Enjoy every moment!
@chelseb23 via Instagram
Put yourself out there or you will miss all MU has to offer!
@jenaibacote via Instagram
I would take the time to go to more events Monmouth had.
@lucy6485 via Instagram
Take risks and step outside your comfort zone!
@zigywig via Instagram
Do more interdisciplinary classes. Learn more in new areas. You never know what you’ll love J
@jenvanalstyne via Instagram
Don’t spread yourself out too thin. You can’t be everywhere at once. Just know when to say no!
@nverzicco via Instagram
Study abroad!!!!!! (globe)
@lpov via Instagram
Make sure to get enough sleep!
@rayray14000 via Instagram
have fun and enjoy every moment it goes fast.
@_annanoelle via Instagram
Go to more parties.
@ecjn via Instagram