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GIS Careers

Students interested in a GIS career should develop a portfolio of independent work and seek out project-based work while completing the minor. Many courses in the minor give students the opportunity to independently work on GIS projects. In addition, faculty can help students find GIS projects for GIS 400 or GIS 499. Students may also work on projects through a GIS internship in GIS 470 (see Experiential Learning page).

 Philly map
Student project on crime in Philadelphia completed for a GIS course

GIS skills developed through coursework and projects are also helpful for students attempting to find a job in their major, as many disciplines are increasingly using GIS. You may encounter jobs in your discipline that require GIS skills. If you are interested in a GIS job, there are number of sites strictly for GIS vacancies, including the following:

Geospatial Information and Technology Association

The GIS Jobs Clearinghouse

US Geospatial Intelligence Foundation

My GIS Jobs

Finally, you may seek a GIS career through a graduate program in geography, geomatics, or similar degree program.