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SOLD OUT – Learn the Art of Ukrainian Egg Decorating

Pollak Gallery

Come celebrate the spring at Monmouth University with this unique opportunity to learn the seasonal ancient art known as Pysanky. Pysanky, also known as Ukrainian eggs, is an ancient folk tradition that has been passed down for thousands of years. This meditative and communal experience is unlike any other art process and for many this workshop marks the beginning of a spring time family tradition that can be passed on and enjoyed for years to come. This tutorial will cover the history and traditions surrounding Pysanky, a demonstration, and independent practice session. The instructor will provide a variety of eggs, dyes, and tools. Participants will turn real eggs into works of art using a wax resist method similar to batik. A great deal of patience and concentration is required to complete a single egg, but it is very rewarding to reveal your hard work when the wax layers are taken off. In-person attendance will be extremely limited. No prerequisite skills are required. Please bring a container or old egg carton to take home your creation. ages 18+

Event Series Writing Memoir (Advanced)

Writing Memoir (Advanced)


This two-session virtual course taught by Mike Farragher (88), author of 4 books. The course builds on the wildly popular Intro to Memoir Writing workshops with an emphasis on character development, dialogue, and scene setting that will make any story a page turner. Practical lessons are interspersed with writing prompts to get the creativity going during this 2 week course. No prior writing experience needed and all levels welcome!

$50 (for two sessions)

Supertramp’s Breakfast in America


It’s just like book club but with albums! With new advances in technology, the way we consume music through our devices, apps and on demand streaming services like Pandora, Spotify and iTunes is making the idea of the “album” as an art form extinct. Get together with other music enthusiasts on Tuesday nights to discuss some of the greatest records of all-time! Listen to the album beforehand and then come prepared to discuss. This event will feature Supertramp’s Breakfast in America.

Free and open to the public but registration is required

Succeeding in the STEM and Medical Fields as a Person of Color

Edison Atrium – Room 201

Presented by STEM Up Students of Color Reception starting at 4:30 p.m. Panelists Tiffany Medley, Ph.D.—Senior Client Manager at Tetra Tech Paola Toro, Esq—Environmental Lawyer at Bressler Amery & Ross Zachary Lewish—Founder and President of Lewis Environmental Consulting Laura Branigan, DMD—Dentist and Small Business Owner

Kurt Vonnegut’s Slaughterhouse-Five


Join us for Tuesday Night Book Club! Hosted by Monmouth University’s Ken Womack. This month’s novel is Kurt Vonnegut’s Slaughterhouse-Five. Slaughterhouse-Five, an American classic, is one of the world’s great antiwar books. Centering on the infamous firebombing of Dresden, Billy Pilgrim’s odyssey through time reflects the mythic journey of our own fractured lives as we search for meaning in what we fear most.

Free and open to the public but registration is required

Hernan Diaz

The Great Hall Auditorium

Hernan Diaz is the Pulitzer Prize-winning author of two novels translated into thirty-four languages. He is the recipient of the John Updike award from the American Academy of Arts & Letters, given to “a writer whose contributions to American literature have demonstrated consistent excellence.”

Free and open to the public

Daniel Alarcon of NPR’s Radio Ambulante podcast – Stories Everywhere: Listening to Latin America

Pozycki Lecture Hall

Please join us for a special evening with award-winning journalist, writer, professor and podcast host and producer, Daniel Alarcón! Daniel has found great success as a writer of fiction, a journalist for outlets such as El País, Harper’s Magazine, and The New York Times, and co-founder and executive producer of NPR’s podcast “Radio Ambulante”. Daniel […]

Self-Publishing, Step-by-Step


This two-session virtual course taught by Christy Schmidt, provides participants with a complete roadmap to guide them through the self-publishing process.

$50 (for two virtual sessions)

The Beatles’ A Hard Day’s Night: A Retrospective


This summer marks 60 years since the release of the Beatles’ first and best feature film, A Hard Day’s Night. Through interview clips, video and pictures, this 2-session virtual course taught by Scott McLaren will chronicle the Beatles’ rise to success in their hometown of Liverpool, the explosion of Beatlemania across Britain in 1963, their subsequent conquering of the US in early 1964, all leading to their critically acclaimed first film and soundtrack. We’ll see clips from those who were involved in the film including United Artists executives, the film Producer, Director, the Beatles and others within their inner circle. Lastly, we’ll discuss and listen to song excerpts from the exclusively Lennon-McCartney soundtrack. As most things Beatles, A Hard Day’s Night remains infectious, lasting and fun.

$50 (for two virtual sessions)

The Beatles’ A Hard Day’s Night

The Great Hall Auditorium/Virtual 400 Cedar Ave, West Long Branch, NJ, United States

It’s just like book club but with albums! With new advances in technology, the way we consume music through our devices, apps and on demand streaming services like Pandora, Spotify and iTunes is making the idea of the “album” as an art form extinct. Get together with other music enthusiasts on Tuesday nights to discuss some of the greatest records of all-time! Listen to the album beforehand and then come prepared to discuss. This event will feature The Beatles’ A Hard Day’s Night.

Free and open to the public but registration is required