This presentation will focus on the present and historical barriers to equity in western society. Slavery and segregation were not the products of determined individual actors. Systems of profit and informal rewards created institutions dedicated to injustice around the world. These systems have changed in superficial ways over the last fifty years. How can today’s leaders accomplish more, despite these longstanding traditions?
Layers of Resistance: Teaching Antiracism within Systems of Oppression
“Not Thin Enough”: Overcoming Barriers to Eating Disorder Treatment and Recovery
Couples Counseling: History, Special Considerations, and Effective Theories and Interventions
Medication Assisted Treatment
Body Focused Interventions in Trauma Treatment
Family Therapy: Working with Challenging Family Dynamics in Effective Manner
Cultural View of Disability: Communicating with People with Disabilities
Examining Shame Resilience: Applying Brené Brown’s Theory to Personal and Professional Counselor Development
Ethics, Law, & Social Justice: The Intersection of Behaviors and Beliefs
Nature is Nurture: Counseling and the Natural World
Nature is Nurture: Counseling and the Natural World provides an overview of the theoretical constructs of Ecotherapy with historical considerations and recent research discussed. Perspectives and reflections will be offered through the presenter’s own experiences. Examples of practical ways to incorporate Ecotherapy with different populations, as well as descriptions of other Ecotherapy modalities will be included.