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Undergraduate Degree Programs

B.S. in Mathematics

Read More About Our B.S. in Mathematics Programs
Read More About Our B.S. in Mathematics Programs

A well-rounded program based in the traditional arts and sciences culminating with a bachelor of science degree. Degree requirements include 42 credits of mathematics, 3-4 credits in computer programming, and 8-10 credits in either chemistry or physics.

B.S. in Mathematics with a Concentration in Statistics

This program gives students both a strong foundation in mathematics and specialized advanced knowledge in pure and applied statistics. The 49 credit requirement includes many of those courses required of a B.S. in Mathematics, and supplements these requirements with four advanced statistics courses covering multivariate regression and analysis, time series analysis, and statistical computation. Students will be well prepared to enter data analysis and statistics fields, as well as graduate statistics programs.

B.S. in Mathematics and Education

Jointly sponsored with the School of Education, students receive a New Jersey Subject Area Certification in Mathematics, a B.S. in Education, and a B.S. in Mathematics.

Minor in Mathematics

The sequence of courses in the Mathematics Minor provides students with the necessary foundation in mathematics to be proficient in a world that is becoming more and more quantitative in nature. Requirements: MA 120, MA 125, MA 126, MA 221, plus an additional 6 credits (3 at the 200 level or higher, and 3 at the 300 level or higher).

Minor in Statistics

The Minor in Statistics will give students both a foundation in calculus and specialized advanced knowledge in pure and applied statistics. The 20 credit requirement covers calculus and four calculus based courses in probability and statistics. The ability to analyze and synthesize large amounts of data is central to most research in both the natural sciences (biology, chemistry) and the social sciences (psychology, sociology, business). The minor in statistics can provide the knowledge needed to accurately and efficiently carry out these important aspects of a research project.